
zhēng wén
  • Essay solicitation;foundation;solicit articles or essays
征文 [zhēng wén]
  • (1) [solicit articles or essays]∶公开征集诗文稿件

  • 征文启事

  • (2) [foundation]∶以成文为依据

  • 征文据法

征文[zhēng wén]
  1. FANUC数控系统应用有奖征文选登(第二期)FANUC数控系统在车床上的应用

    Application of FANUC CNC System on Lathe

  2. 本文获第二届SINUMERIK数控应用与改造有奖征文活动二等奖。

    This article was the second SINUMERIK NC application essay activities and the transformation of a prize-second prize .

  3. 第四届焊管学术年会征文通知

    A notice of soliciting papers for the 4th welded pipe Symposium

  4. 国际性技术杂志&《传动技术》征文

    DRIVE SYSTEM TECHNIQUE ( An International Technical Journal ) CALL FOR PAPERS

  5. 更多征文活动信息,请留意西门子网站。

    Please pay attention to our website for more information .

  6. 2004世界工程师大会会议和征文通知2004年11月2日至6日中国上海

    World Engineers ' Convention Shanghai , China , November 3-6,2004

  7. 《新小说社征文启》及其价值和意义

    A Notice Soliciting Contributions of the New Novel Office and Its Values

  8. 五,过多过滥的征文比赛,影响了作文的正常教学;

    Too many solicit articles competitions affects the normal teaching of composition .

  9. 第九届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议征文通知

    9 ~ ( th ) Meeting for Junior Professionals of Management and Systems Sciences

  10. 我作文也写的很好,征文比赛名列前茅。

    I have also written a good essay , essay competitions among the best .

  11. 第11届国际光动力学学会年会征文通知

    11th World Congress of the International Photodynamic Association

  12. 第13届全国分子光谱学学术会议征文通知

    A Circular on the 13 ~ ( th ) National Meeting of Molecular Spectroscopy

  13. “我和北京”征文、演讲比赛分为两个阶段。

    " Beijing and I " writings and speech competition was divided into two stages .

  14. 第一届世界华人免疫学大会征文通知

    The first World Chinese Conference on Immunology

  15. 毕业的那一年征文一开到荼蘼花事了

    Solicited articles on the year we graduated

  16. 第十届中国机器学习会议征文通知2006年10月13~15日,海口

    The 10th China Conference on Machine Learning October 13 ~ 15 , 2006 , Haikou

  17. 第14届国际热处理及表面工程联合会大会征文通知

    The 14 ~ ( th ) Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering

  18. 本文荣获第八届全国青少年“春蕾杯”征文大赛一等奖。

    This article won the Eighth National Youth " Spring Bud Cup " prize essay contest .

  19. 法兰西学院的征文题目是《读书乐》。

    The French Academy had given for its prize subject , The Happiness procured through Study .

  20. 西门子有奖征文颁奖仪式在申举行

    Siemens Awarded the Prizes at Shanghai

  21. 征文通知

    A notice of soliciting articles

  22. 第五届国际畜牧环境研讨会征文通知

    Fifth International Livestock Environment Symposium

  23. 为给新博客打响头炮,我们即将举办一次征文大赛,头奖是一趟挪威之旅!

    To kick off this new start – we will buy one of you a trip to Norway !

  24. 开沙龙,搞讲座,征文比赛,热火朝天过一阵子。

    Open Salon , engage in lectures , essay contest , be in full swing for a while .

  25. 但是得知我的征文得了奖,我重拾信心。

    But just now 's knowing I 've got a prize for that solicit article makes me confident again .

  26. 任期制纸皮作家帮助你对大学来说,学院征文、论文、书评和论文。

    Term-paper-writer helps you on college term paper , College essay , research paper , book review and thesis .

  27. 国产重组人白介素-11衍生物治疗化疗所致血小板降低的多中心临床研究2006肿瘤防治新进展济南论坛征文通知

    Phase ⅱ clinical trial on China manufactured recombinant human interleukin 11 derivative in the prevention and treatment of chemotherapy induced thrombocytopenia

  28. 湖北省对外文化交流协会与湖北省教育国际交流协会共同开展“我眼中的湖北”征文活动。

    Hubei Province Foreign Cultural Exchange Association and the Association of International Education Exchange will carry out an essay writing activity .

  29. 几周前我向读者征文,请大家说一说自己的人生目标是什么,以及他们是如何找到自己的目标的。

    A few weeks ago , I asked readers to send in essays describing their purpose in life and how they found it .

  30. 我的作品经常被登刊在校刊上,而且曾才一次有关法律征文的比赛中获得了三等奖。

    My works have been published on school magazines frequently . I have also won the Third Prize in a law articles composition contest .