
xún huán
  • circulate;loop;repeat;circle;round
循环 [xún huán]
  • [circulate;circle] 以环形、回路或轨道运行;沿曲折的路线运行;特指运行一周而回到原处

循环[xún huán]
  1. 如果没有重力来帮助空气循环,你呼出的二氧化碳会在你的头上形成一团看不见的云。

    Without gravity to help circulate air , the carbon dioxide you exhalehas a tendency to form an invisible cloud around you head .

  2. 全球卫生系统都急需呼吸机来帮助治疗最危急的新冠患者。患者的肺部严重发炎或者充满黏液无法自主呼吸时,主要依靠呼吸机辅助呼吸,从而在病人康复期间确保有足够的氧气持续在体内循环。

    Health systems around the world are in dire or full to work by themselves and thus ensure enough oxygen is continuing to circulate around the body as the patient recovers .

  3. 循环小数3.999...亦作3.9循环。

    The recurring decimal 3.999 … is also described as 3.9 recurring .

  4. 我们的经济处于工资和物价交互上涨的循环中。

    Our economy is in an inflationary spiral of wage and price increases .

  5. 这个论点存在着危险的循环论证。

    There is a dangerous circularity about this argument .

  6. 这种病阻碍了血液的循环畅通。

    The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely .

  7. 冷气在整座大楼循环。

    Cooled air is circulated throughout the building .

  8. 经常锻炼会促进血液循环。

    Regular exercise will improve blood circulation .

  9. 这部电影已制成循环音像磁带。

    The film is on a loop .

  10. 冷水澡可以刺激身体,促进血液循环。

    A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation .

  11. 亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。

    Asia 's emerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth

  12. 我们必须避免出现20世纪80年代那样具有破坏性的繁荣萧条交替循环的局面。

    We must avoid the damaging boom-bust cycles which characterised the 1980s .

  13. 他们必须打破暴力循环。

    They must break out of the cycle of violence .

  14. 脚部的循环比手部的循环缓慢得多。

    Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands .

  15. 柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。

    Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation .

  16. 按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。

    Massage is used to relax muscles , relieve stress and improve the circulation

  17. 他们在日本名古屋的最后一场循环赛中以4比1战胜英格兰队。

    They beat England 4-1 in their last round-robin match at Nagoya in Japan .

  18. 我每周做一次循环训练。

    I do circuit training once a week .

  19. 该循环周而复始,永无止境。

    This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum .

  20. 有心肺疾病或血液循环问题的人在乘坐飞机前应寻求医生建议。

    Anyone with heart , lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying .

  21. 锻炼非常重要,它可以促进血液循环,保持手脚温暖。

    Exercise is very important as it keeps the circulation moving and warms the extremities .

  22. 这个循环周而复始。

    The cycle then repeats itself .

  23. 有一些计算机术语成了社会上的通用词汇,“循环”就是其中一个。

    ' Loop ' is one of those computer words that has gained currency in society .

  24. 如果血液不循环,肌体细胞,尤其是脑细胞,只能存活几分钟。

    The cells of the body , especially those of the brain , can live only minutes without circulating blood .

  25. 锻炼身体能够形成一种良性循环。一旦你开始一项锻炼计划并持之以恒,你会感觉良好并坚持下去。

    Exercise creates its own virtuous circle . Once you start a programme and do it regularly , you 'll feel so good you 'll want to continue .

  26. 这个城市的垃圾循环系统有严重缺陷。

    The city 's recycling system is totally inadequate .

  27. 哈维发现了血液的循环。

    Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood .

  28. 血液在全身循环。

    The blood circulates through the body .

  29. 英国在整个经济周期循环中都应用了这一规则。

    The rule is applied over the economic cycle .

  30. 这物体已不再循环运动。

    The object is no longer in cyclical motion .