
  • 网络psychological novel;Psychological fiction
  1. 新时期心理小说的发展与变革

    Development of the psychological novel in the new period

  2. 爱略特被誉为英国心理小说的先驱。

    George Elliot is regarded as the pioneer of psychological novel in England .

  3. 世界背景下的中国心理小说

    Chinese Psychological Novels from the Background of the World Mentality dessert

  4. 心理小说的实验家:萧红与伍尔夫

    Experimenters of Psychological Fiction : Xiao Hong and Woolf

  5. 从修辞学的角度解读爱伦·坡的心理小说,是一个全新的视角。

    Rhetorical interpretation of Allan Poe 's psychological novels is an absolutely new angle .

  6. 中国现代心理小说的寻位和缺失

    Location and deficiency of Chinese modern psychological novel

  7. 从家庭矛盾走入人物内心&从《母亲大人》看弗朗索瓦·莫里亚克的心理小说

    From family clashes to the inner heart of characters : On Mauriac 's psychological novel G é nitrix

  8. 它同时也是第一部象征小说和心理小说。

    It has also been regarded both as the first symbolic novel and as the first psychological novel .

  9. 无意识的颠覆与重构&弗洛伊德心理小说理论及其批评实践

    The Dramatic Change and Restructuring of " Unconsciousness " On Freud 's Psychological Novel Theory and Critical Practice

  10. 《狂人日记》既是中国现代小说的开山之作,又是中国现代心理小说的发端,与当时世界文坛最前卫的小说具有同步性。

    Maniac Diary is an earliest works of Chinese modern novels and a start of Chinese modern psychological novels .

  11. 丝毫也不能深入了解人性的人,我认为是心理小说作家。

    For a man who can not see an Inch Into human nature , give me a psychological novelist .

  12. 《罪与罚》是心理小说的典范,长久以来它象磁石一般吸引着人们。

    The psychological description characterizes the novel Crime & Punishment , and attracts people 's attention for a long time .

  13. 爱伦·坡的心理小说具有语言学意识,表达了语言和文本之间的自我反思;

    Allan Poe 's psychological novels are of linguistic awareness , and have expressed a self reflection between language and text .

  14. 如今,这部讲述了一位唯美贵族风流韵事的作品被公认为世界第一部现代或心理小说。

    Today this account of the amorous escapades of an aristocratic aesthete is widely regarded as the first modern or psychological novel .

  15. 随后分析20世纪中国心理小说三生三灭(三个发展阶段)的具体情形和影响因素。

    The thesis then analyzes the specific condition and influential factors of the twentieth-century Chinese psychological novels in three different developmental stages .

  16. 鲁迅心理小说多样化的内心独白和独具特色的心理分析、意识流表现为现代小说提供了成功的范例。

    The various interior monologues and unique psychological analyses of Lu Xun 's psychological novels set a successful example for Chinese modern novels .

  17. 作为美国第一部真正的心理小说,《红字》包括了以下理念:清教道德信仰和感情的矛盾,个人与社会的冲突。

    As America 's first true psychological novel , The Scarlet Letter would convey these ideals : contrasting puritan morality with passion and individualism .

  18. 霍桑是十九世纪最有影响力的浪漫主义小说家之一,同时是美国心理小说与象征主义的奠基人之一,其代表作《红字》是19世纪美国文坛上最广为人知、最具震撼力的作品。

    Hawthorne is one of the most influential romantic novelists as well as the pioneer of American psychological novels and symbolism in the nineteenth century .

  19. 在具体的、微观的层面上,奥斯丁用以充实灰姑娘故事原型,表现其内在涵义的重要手段是她的心理小说技巧。

    On the specific-and-micro plane , Austen depends on her skills at psychological novels for enriching the prototype of Cinderella and manifesting the significance thereof .

  20. 她的思辩风格和夹叙夹议,集社会心理小说、哲理小说和风俗小说之大成的风格,来自于湖湘文化的思辩传统。

    She has thought style and saying to debate , gathers societal mental story , philosophic story , custom story , origins Hunan culture thinking tradition .

  21. 他们的作品既是真实反映现实人生诸层面的写实文学,又是强化了主观理性色彩的心理小说;

    Their works are not only realistic literary works that reflect all levels of real life but also psychological novels which intensify the subjectively rational knowledge .

  22. 亨利·詹姆斯是跨越十九世纪至二十世纪的美国现实主义作家和现代心理小说的先驱。

    Henry James who lived at the turn of 19th and 20th century is a famous American realist and the forerunner of the modern psychological novels .

  23. 她是意识流小说的代表作家之一,认为传统小说应该被现代的心理小说所取代。

    She represents the much more readable novelists of the stream of consciousness school . She believes that traditional novels should be replaced by modern psychological novels .

  24. 《看虹录》这篇沈从文后期实验心理小说的代表作,也因为读者审美观念的解放和审美能力的提升而显得秀外慧中。

    KAN HONG LU which is Shen Congwen 's evening psychological novels , became excellent because of the liberation of reader 's aesthetic concept and advance of reader 's aesthetic ability .

  25. 至深深处典出奥斯卡·王尔德,以专题的形式量化比较中西心理小说在心理挖掘上的不同成就。

    In the Innermost Soul , originated from Oscar Wilde , in the form of special topics , compares quantitatively the different achievements gained by Chinese and western psychological novels in psychoanalysis .

  26. 论文横跨中西文学传统、纵贯整个20世纪,把中国心理小说置于世界文学、文化的大背景下进行考察。

    The thesis , traversing Chinese and Western literature traditions and sweeping through the length of the whole twentieth-century , investigates the Chinese psychological novels from the background of the world literature and culture .

  27. 比较之后痛感中国心理小说的先天不足与一再夭折,忧愁忧思从民族文化心理入手追问深层原因,以引起疗救者的注意,为中国小说的未来稍尽绵薄。

    Sorrow and Thought explores the root causes from the viewpoint of the psychology of national culture so as to draw the attention of those who intend to remedy the plight and make a little contribution to the future of Chinese novels .

  28. 施蛰存心理现代小说的本土化及其成因

    Localization of SHI Zhe-cun 's Psychological Modern Novels and the Causes

  29. 本文提出了英国心理分析小说的概念。

    This article puts forward the concept of " psychoanalytic fiction of England " .

  30. 哈代的超前意识使该小说闪烁出现代主义的灵光,可以说《无名的裘德》这部小说是现代心理分析小说的前奏之一。

    Hardy 's pre-modernism decides Jude the obscure the precursor of modem psychoanalytic novels .