
  • 网络cardiopulmonary function;cardio;cardio-pulmonary function;aerobic fitness
  1. 肺癌患者心肺功能与TNM分期有密切关系(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    The exercise cardio pulmonary function was closely related to the TNM stages ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 使用锻炼心肺功能的运动器材,如跑步机或自行车。

    Use any cardio equipment , such as a treadmill or a cycle .

  3. 自动化心肺功能生理测试图(APP)的临床应用

    The automated physiologic profile ( app ) in the clinical use

  4. 结果实验组心肺功能优于对照组,心肺组织MDA含量低于对照组,SOD含量高于对照组。

    The experimental group had less MDA and higher SOD contents than the control group .

  5. 高校CUBA男运动员心肺功能的研究

    Lung and Heart Function Study of CUBA Male Athletes in College

  6. 急性冠脉综合征患者PCI术后康复早期心肺功能改变的特点

    Features of Cardiopulmonary Function Change for Patients with ACS in Early Stage of Cardiac Rehabilitation after PCI

  7. 目的:评价风湿性二尖瓣狭窄(MS)患者心肺功能的相互关系。

    ? Objective : To evaluate the correlation of cardiac and pulmonary functions in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis ( MS ) .

  8. 在AMI后约4个月对两组患者再次进行运动心肺功能测试。

    Cardiopulmonary exercise test was undergone again for all the patients about 4 months after AMI onset .

  9. 小剂量脂质体前列腺素E1对急性肺损伤犬心肺功能的改善作用

    Effects of low dosage of liposomal prostaglandin E1 on hemodynamics , oxygen metabolism and lung mechanics in a canine model of oleic acid induced acute lung injury

  10. 心肺功能运动试验和静态肺功能用于COPD患者应用支气管扩张剂后疗效评定的比较

    Comparison between cardiopulmonary exercise test and resting pulmonary function test in evaluating the effect of bronchodilatator in the treatment of COPD patients

  11. PWC(150)机能试验对少儿心肺功能的研究

    PWC 150 function test on the study of heart and lung functions of juveniles

  12. HRCT与运动心肺功能试验联合检查能显著提高IPF的早期诊断水平。

    HRCT and cardiorespiratory exercise test could significantly raise the early diagnostic level of IPF .

  13. 冠心病患者PTCA术前后及康复运动后的心肺功能评价

    Evaluation of Cardiopulmonary Function before and after PTCA and Rehabilitation Exercise Training in Patients with Coronary Heart Diseases

  14. 方法16例HVS患者和18名健康志愿者进行负荷连续递增的运动心肺功能试验,观察整个试验过程中气体交换指标和通气方式。

    Methods Sixteen HVS patients and 18 healthy controls performed incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing with cycle ergometer .

  15. 评估高分辨CT(HRCT)和运动心肺功能试验对特发性肺间质纤维化(IPF)早期的诊断价值。

    Early diagnostic value of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( appearance ) with high-resolution CT ( HRCT ) and cardiorespiratory exercise test has been detected .

  16. 结论根据AMI患者出院前运动心肺功能测试的结果制定适合患者个人的运动处方,使中低危心肌梗死患者安全地进行家庭运动训练,可以有效地提高患者的运动心肺功能。

    Conclusion Individual exercise prescription and training for the patients with AMI based on the cardiopulmonary exercise test before discharge can improve their exercise cardiopulmonary function effectively .

  17. [方法]对照组和三组石棉工人(AO,AI,AII)进行运动心肺功能试验。

    [ Methods ] Three groups asbestos workers ( AO . AI . AII ) and control group were tested by exercise .

  18. 目的:观察研究48例慢性肺心病者心肺功能变化时与肺动脉高压(PAH)的相互关系。

    Objective : Investigation was correlated between right heart function and pulmonary function parameter in 48 cases of patients with chronic cor pulmonale with PAH .

  19. 趋向DEX的安全范围较宽,对呼吸影响小,特别是对心肺功能严重受损的重症先心病患儿能发挥独特的优势。

    Trend DEX is a safely drug while using in critically ill patients , with advantage of wide dose range and minimal respiratory depression .

  20. 目的:研究双相气道正压通气模式(BiPAP)对急性肺损伤(ALI)动物模型心肺功能的影响。

    Abstract Objective : To study the cardiorespiratory effects of biphasic positive airway pressure ( BiPAP ) ventilation in dogs with acute lung injury ( ALI ) .

  21. 运动心肺功能各项指标正常对照组、IPF早期组、IPF非早期组之间均有显著性差异。

    Indexes of the cardiorespiratory exercise showed significant differences in the control group , early-stage of IPF group and early-stage of IPF group .

  22. 目的:评价慢性肺原性心脏病(肺心病)急性发作期血浆和红细胞内Mg2+浓度与心肺功能间的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the relationship between red cell magnesium concentration ( MgRC ), plasma magnesium concentration ( MgPL ) and cardiopulmonary function in chronic cor pulmonale .

  23. 老年SLE患者在使用激素治疗时,剂量宜偏小,由于其体质较弱,心肺功能情况较差,应密切监测药物副作用。

    The lower dosage of glucocorticoid is necessary because of the poorer constitution , cardiac and pulmonary funtion of the patients with SLE in the elderly , and the side effects should be monitored closely .

  24. 目的:应用运动肺功能方法测定睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAS)的心肺功能以期发现心血管疾病的潜在危险。

    SUMMARY PURPOSE : apply the exercise lung function method measurement sleep the breath apnea syndrome ( SAS ) the heart lung function so that discover with the period strenuous efforts tube paroxysm potential danger .

  25. 结果提示轻度IDA对心肺功能和有氧能力的功能性损伤是存在的,但经过铁剂治疗这种功能性损伤是可以改善的。

    This suggests , there were mild and functional impairment of heart and lungs as wellas aerobic power in children with mild IDA , which could be improved by iron treatment .

  26. 目的比较双水平压力调节(BiPAP)通气和间歇正压通气(IPPV)对心肺功能的影响。

    Objective To compare the cardiopulmonary effect of pressure regulated biphasic airway pressure ( BiPAP ) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation ( IPPV ) .

  27. 目的分析巨大左心房对二尖瓣瓣膜手术后早期心肺功能恢复的影响,以及左心房折叠术(LAP)的早期手术疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the affects of giant left atrium ( GLA ) and the benefits of left atrial plication ( LAP ) on the recovery of heart and lung function during early postoperative stage .

  28. 结论⑴该组病例的各项数据表明,在围手术期用SPO2及心电图代替心肺功能检查是可行的;

    Conclusions ⑴ These results demonstrated that measurements of SPO 2 and ECG can replace the ventricular and pulmonary function test in perioperative period .

  29. 富氧室在海拔3700m对人体心肺功能的影响

    Effec of Oxygen-enriched Room on the Cardiac Function Index and Pulmonary Ventilation Volume at 3700m Altitude

  30. 目的:研究经面罩机械通气(FMMV)对慢性顽固性心力衰竭(CHF)患者心肺功能的作用。

    Objective : To assess the value of treatment of chronic heat failure ( CHF ) via face mask mechanical ventilation ( FMMV ) .