
  • 网络psychosomatic disease;psychosomatic illness;Psychosomatic Disorders
  1. 目的研究甘肃省城乡居民各类心身疾病患病率和医疗卫生保健工作。

    OBJECTIVE To research the sicken rate of various psychosomatic disease in cities and counties of Gansu province and work of medical and health care for the disease .

  2. 方法采用世界卫生组织对健康和卫生服务系统反应性调查(WHO&HHSR),对2200名甘肃省城乡居民心身疾病患病率做抽样调查。

    METHODS 2 200 denizen in Gansu province was spot check by WHO Survey on Health and Health System Responsiveness ( WHO - HHSR ) for their sicken rate of psychosomatic disease .

  3. 在伦敦皇家医院(RoyalLondonHospital),她已经成为了一个“心身疾病”的专家。

    At the Royal London Hospital she has become an expert in " psychosomatic " illnesses .

  4. 老年心身疾病患者生活满意度与个性的典型相关分析发现的生活满意度与N成负相关。

    Results of canonical analysis of the factors LSIZ and EPQ in elderly with psychosomatic diseases showed that LSIZ was negative related to N.

  5. 目的综合国内关于述情障碍与心身疾病关系的研究(以TAS-26为测量工具)。

    Objective To review studies on relationship between alexithymia and psychosomatic disorders via TAS-26 .

  6. 抑郁症(Depression)是以持续的情感(情绪)低落、思维迟缓和精神运动性抑制为基本症状的一类心身疾病。

    Depression is one of the most common diseases of persistent emotion ( feeling ) stepping down , inhibition of thought and psychomotor retardation .

  7. 老年心身疾病患者个性与心理状况的典型相关分析发现N与人际关系敏感和焦虑呈正相关,E与强迫呈正相关。

    Results of canonical analysis of the factors EPQ and SCL-90 in elderly with psychosomatic diseases showed that ` N ' was positively related to and ` anxiety ' , and ` E ' was positively related to ` obsessive-compulsive ' .

  8. 结论FD与DU的发生与性别、年龄、生活习惯有一定关系,FD是一种心身疾病,DU的心理异常可能是继发性的一种身心反应。

    Conclusion Gender , age , and living habits have something to do with FD and DU . FD is a psychosomatic disease , while neuroticism in DU is a psychological adjustment secondary to somatopathy .

  9. 方法采用生活满意度Z和艾森克个性问卷评定54例老年心身疾病患者的状况,与54例老年非心身疾病患者和健康老人对照。

    Method The Life Satisfaction Index Z ( LSIZ ) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) were examined in 54 elderly with psychosomatic diseases , and examined in 54 chronic illness elderly control excluding psychosomatic diseases and 54 health elderly control .

  10. 目前很少有人研究治疗心身疾病的最好方式,但奥沙利文常常建议她的病人去看精神科医生或进行认知行为治疗(cognitivebehaviouraltherapist)。这种疗法或许可以解开致病痛苦或心灵创伤。

    There is currently precious little research on the best way to treat psychosomatic illness , but she tends to refer her patients to psychiatrists or to a cognitive behavioural therapist ( CBT ) who might be able to unknot the distress or trauma that is leading to the illness .

  11. 我国农村心身疾病的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on psychological and physiological diseases in rural China

  12. 老年人A型行为与心身疾病的关系

    Relationship Between Type A Behavior and Mental Diseases in the Elderly

  13. 不良性认知心理是导致心身疾病的关键环节

    Cognitive Psychology is the Key Link of Inducing Psychosomatic Disease

  14. 老年心身疾病患者生活质量指数对照研究

    Study on quality of life in elderly with psychosomatic diseases

  15. 论心身疾病的社会&文化根源

    On the Social Cultural Origin of Mind Body Disease

  16. 心身疾病是当今医学亟待解决的课题。

    Psychosomatic disease is an urgent issue in the medical field , nowadays .

  17. 从应激的生化反应谈A型行为与心身疾病的关系

    Correlation between Type A Behavior and Psychosomatic Disorder through Biochemical Response of Stress

  18. 81例老年心身疾病患者的人格特征与心理状态的研究

    Research on personality and mental status of 81 elderly patients with psychosomatic diseases

  19. 渔民心身疾病与烟酒嗜好的关系初探

    Exploratory study on the relationship between psychosomatic disease and smoking alcohol drinking in fisherman

  20. 论现代心身疾病与古代传统体育疗法

    Discussion on Modern Physical and Mental Diseases and Ancient Chinese Traditional Physical Exercise Therapy

  21. 黛安神治疗心身疾病伴抑郁焦虑症状的对照研究

    Contrast study of treatment for psychosomatic disease accompanied with melancholic and anxious symptoms Deanxit

  22. 高血压是一种严重危害人体健康的生活方式病,也是一种心身疾病。

    Hypertension is a life style disease that affects human health physically and mentally .

  23. 银屑病的心身疾病属性研究

    Research on psoriasis as a psychosomatic disease

  24. 治心与治身环境与心身疾病突现论与心身问题

    Emergentism & Problem of Mind and Body

  25. 24例田径运动员心身疾病调查分析

    Analysis to the Investigation of Physical and Mental Diseases of 24 Track and Field Athletes

  26. 糖尿病是一种由多因素所致的慢性、终身性心身疾病。

    Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) is a life-long chronic psychosomatic disease caused by multifactors .

  27. 大脑皮层与内脏关系的脑机制是揭示心身疾病和心理疾病的重要依据。

    The Theory of brain-gut relationship could be used to explain psychosomatic diseases and mental illness .

  28. 广州地区铁路职工心身疾病发病率及心理社会因素分析

    A survey on the prevalence and psychosocial factors of psychosomatic disease of railroad employee in Guangzhou

  29. 随着社会竞争的日益激烈,心身疾病也越来越受到各界人士的重视。

    Along with the social competition increasingly serious , heart-body diseases are attached more and more importance .

  30. 目的调查我国农村人口的心身疾病患病率。

    Objective To investigate and analyze the Morbidity Rate of Psychological and Physiological Diseases in rural population .