
zěn me bàn
  • What should I do?;What to do now?;What should I do? What's to be done?;howzat
  1. 由於太震撼而跑出去了该怎么办?

    Run away because of surprise ! What to do now ?

  2. 不是很好。我不知道该怎么办了。

    No , not really . I don 't know what to do now .

  3. 假设你错了,那你会怎么办?

    Supposing you are wrong , what will you do then ?

  4. “我现在该怎么办呢?”她自忖道。

    ' What should I do now ? ' she wondered .

  5. 我不太清楚下一步该怎么办。

    I don 't quite know what to do next .

  6. 申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?

    What 's the form when you apply for a research grant ?

  7. 假设你把工作丢了,那你怎么办呢?

    Say you lose your job : what would you do then ?

  8. 哎呀呀,你现在怎么办呢?

    Dear oh dear ! What are you going to do now ?

  9. 这事怎么办,她一点主意都没有。

    She never had the least idea what to do about it .

  10. 先别管你的车——我的围栏撞坏了,怎么办?

    Never mind your car ─ what about the damage to my fence ?

  11. “我怎么办呢?”她疑惑地说。

    ' What am I going to do ? ' she wondered aloud .

  12. 他在考虑下一步怎么办。

    He was considering what to do next .

  13. 别跟我说该怎么办!

    Don 't tell me what to do !

  14. 降落伞打不开怎么办?

    What if the parachute doesn 't open ?

  15. 一旦钱花光了,我们就不知道该怎么办了。

    We didn 't know how we would cope once the money had gone .

  16. 这事我可怎么办?

    What can I do about that ?

  17. 假如他死了——那怎么办?

    Suppose him dead ─ what then ?

  18. 比如说,如果你发现有职员偷东西,你会怎么办?

    What would you do , for instance , if you found a member of staff stealing ?

  19. 他们不知道抓他们的人打算拿他们怎么办。

    They did not know what their captors planned for them .

  20. 我们准备开个会来决定怎么办。

    We will be having a meeting to decide what to do

  21. 这该怎么办?你能不能推荐一个人帮我出个主意?

    Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this ?

  22. 她哀求他说:“求你告诉我该怎么办!”

    ' Tell me what to do ! ' she implored him .

  23. 要是那几个月一直又下雨又冰冻怎么办?

    What if it rained and then froze all through those months ?

  24. 我真不知道没有她我们该怎么办!

    I don 't know how we 'd have managed without her !

  25. 要是他觉得内疚,把东西拿回来了怎么办?

    What if he got a guilty conscience and brought it back ?

  26. 但如果政府不理会该怎么办呢?

    But what if the government takes no heed ?

  27. 我们必须考虑下一步该怎么办。

    We had to think what to do next .

  28. 那些是微妙的学术上的辩论,但不久的将来怎么办?

    Those are nice academic arguments , but what about the immediate future ?

  29. 您是位睿智的长者:告诉我该怎么办。

    You 're a wise old man : tell me what to do .

  30. 我就是腻味了,不知道该怎么办。

    I 'm just fed up and I don 't know what to do .