
zěn nài
  • however;but
怎奈 [zěn nài]
  • [however; but] 无奈

  • 怎奈天不作美

怎奈[zěn nài]
  1. 芬尼惊愕的空当呜兹本该趁机逃跑,怎奈他两腿只顾着打颤,怎么都迈不开步子。

    Woods should escape when the moment Finney has dismay , persevering seeking only his legs trembled , cannot make a step .

  2. 她信他,从未有变,怎奈世事无常,人去楼空,昔日欢愉,早已随着他的离去,不复。

    She believed him , and never changed , Zennai things impermanent , empty , old joy , already with his departure , no longer .

  3. 风在追求,树在挽留,叶在坚守,今生缘已尽,怎奈情太深。

    The wind in the pursuit of the tree in the retention and leaves the stick , this life fate had done Zennai feelings too deep .

  4. 班纳特太太本当听到他赞美一句,心里就得意一阵,怎奈她也想到,他原来是把这些东西都看作他自己未来的财产,因此她又非常难受。

    and his commendation of every thing would have touched Mrs. Bennet 's heart , but for the mortifying supposition of his viewing it all as his own future property .

  5. 那天上午,他跑了好几家,想多拉几个人来,怎奈今宵是月明之夜,大家都有约会。

    He had been to several families that morning , in hopes of procuring some addition to their number , but it was moonlight , and every body was full of engagements .