
sī niàn
  • miss;think of;long for;yearn;I miss you;remember fondly;souvenir
思念 [sī niàn]
  • (1) [yearn;miss;long for;think of]∶思虑,怀念

  • 他们时常变得想家,时常思念故旧

  • (2) [souvenir]∶纪念

  • 与你们做个思念。--《醒世姻缘传》

思念[sī niàn]
  1. 无论身在何地,我们都思念故乡。

    Wherever we are , we think of our hometown deeply .

  2. 我多想做你时刻思念的人,

    I love to be the one you always think of ,

  3. 她走了以后,人们会非常思念她的。

    She will be greatly missed when she leaves .

  4. 他挥去了对她的思念。

    He dismissed her from his mind .

  5. 我思念故乡苏格兰。

    I felt homesick for Scotland .

  6. 我非常思念他。

    I miss him terribly .

  7. 她会坐在家里,思念死去的丈夫。

    She 'd be sitting at home pining for her lost husband

  8. 我多么思念你呀!

    I miss you terribly !

  9. 他开始思念起他早年的时光和失去的朋友。

    He fell to thinking about the early days and his lost friends .

  10. 她的心里思念着她的丈夫。

    Her heart aches for her husband .

  11. 对哈斯的种种思念一下子涌上她的心头。

    So many thoughts of Haas were now crowded into her mind , all at once .

  12. 他们思念着家乡。

    They are pining for home .

  13. 他净化他的潜意识且只思念上帝。

    He purges his subconscious and meditates only on God .

  14. 因为思念,品尝,更多的寂寞。

    because of yearning , we taste more loneliness .

  15. 放纵思念痛苦的纷扰盘点寂寞淌过坎坷的声音

    Indulges the missing pain troubled , inventorying dripped lonely the rough sound .

  16. 无论我们相距多么遥远,我的思念总在你的身边。

    No matter how far apart we are , my thought always find their way back to you .

  17. 情绪从喜变忧时,大多数情况下都是因为你在思念某个人。

    When your mood goes from happy to sad , most of the time ; it ’ s because you 're missing someone .

  18. 思念是一张寄不出去的明信片。早,初刻er。

    Missing is a postcard which can not be send out .

  19. 修玛在接受BBC《全球服务节目》采访时表示:“无论何时,只要我们单独旅行,我们就会这样做。我们只是想表达对对方的思念。”

    Huma told the BBC World Service programme Outside Source : " Whenever one of us travels alone without the other , we do this . We can just show that we 're missing each other . "

  20. 一开始小宝(杨亮俞饰演)恨透了他的新生活,这里没有Wi-Fi和电视,还要和凶巴巴的爷爷一起生活。爷爷在一块石头上画着思念的亡妻。

    At first , Bao ( played by Yang Liang-yu ) hates his new life without Wi-Fi and television and for having to live with his strict grandfather , who remembers his deceased wife by drawing her face on a rock .

  21. 但它留下了强烈的思念。

    But it leaves a thought that is big and strong .

  22. 在充满希望的中秋节来临之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。

    Thinking of you and wishing you a hopeful Mid-Autumn Festival .

  23. 在他乡留学。也会很思念家乡的亲人。

    Studying abroad , you will miss the relatives in homeland .

  24. 想你,思念如泉涌,无法控制;

    Thinking of you , water fountain , out of control .

  25. 她对祖国的青山思念不已。

    She was pining for the mountains of her native country .

  26. 此后数月,我陷入疯狂的思念中。

    In the months that followed , I missed Shane terribly .

  27. 相会团圆暂无缘,思念惦记梦无限。

    Meet reunited temporarily out , miss worrying about dreams unlimited .

  28. 他也很伤心,因为他思念他在天国里的亲属!

    - and sad , because he missed his heavenly kindred !

  29. 没有对家乡的思念,只有对异乡的留恋。

    No missing to the hometown but to the foreign ones .

  30. 我们都开始思念同异性的接触了。

    We all begin to miss contact with the opposite sex .