
  • 网络personality test;Myers-Briggs Type Indicator;Character Test;personality assessment
  1. 韦德哈拉博士告诉本报Op-Talk栏目,这并不意味着每个人都该做性格测试。

    This doesn 't mean everybody should get a personality test , Dr. Vedhara told Op-Talk .

  2. 不过,能让企业了解到握手背后的真实情况的则是性格测试。

    But a personality test can tell a company what 's behind that handshake .

  3. 进行DISC性格测试,了解自己的动力是什么:

    Take the DISC personality assessment tunderstand what motivates you :

  4. 2010年发表在《创造力研究期刊》(CreativityResearchJournal)上的一项研究表明,那些在性格测试中对新生事物的开放度上得分高的人可能也会有更大的好奇心,也更易分心。

    People who rate high in openness to new experiences in personality tests also may be more distractible and curious , according to a 2010 study in Creativity Research Journal .

  5. 做个性格测试吧,比如MyersBriggs或DISK性格小测验。

    Do a Personality assessment , like the Myers Briggs or DISK personality profile quizzes .

  6. 尽管性格测试、数据分析和行为面试等手段使用得越来越多,让雇主获得了比以往更多的应聘者信息,但SAT成绩仍在招聘中占有一席之地。

    This despite the fact that increased use of personality tests , data analytics and behavioral interviews have given employers more information about a candidate than ever before .

  7. 根据BBC的报道,仅在美国,市场上就有将近2500种性格测试。

    According to the BBC , in the US alone , there are about 2500 personality tests on the market .

  8. 比如,对于一个项目,团队成员采用Myers-Briggs性格测试来找出最佳协作方法。

    On one project , for example , team members took Myers-Briggs personality tests to identify the best ways for people to work together .

  9. 方法采用家庭环境量表(FES&CV)、心理状态自评量表SCL-90、YG性格测试量表、中学生学习适应量表,对246例学习困难的青少年及126例正常对照组青少年进行评定和对比。

    Methods : 246 adolescent with learning disorders and 126 adolescent with normal were assessed with FES - CV ( Family environment scale - Chinese - version ) . AAT . Symptom check - list ( SCL-90 ) YG Personality Scale .

  10. 《神经心理内分泌学》(Psychoneuroendocrinology)杂志发表了卡维塔·韦德哈拉(KavitaVedhara)等人基于其研究写就的一篇论文。他们对121个人进行了性格测试;还为其做了血液检测,以分析与炎症反应有关的基因表达。

    For a study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology , Kavita Vedhara and her co-authors gave personality tests to 121 people , and tested their blood to analyze the expression of genes related to inflammation .

  11. 此次调查结果显示,性格测试与职业适应性测试越来越受重视。

    The results show that increasing importance is attached to personality and compatibility tests .

  12. 知觉现象和性格测试无关。

    Perceptual phenomena ARE NOT personality test .

  13. 这些都不是性格测试。

    None of them are personality tests .

  14. 因为性格测试没通过。

    Failed the personality profile assessment .

  15. 职业顾问和性格测试可以帮助你了解自己适合什么工作。

    Career counselors and personality tests can help you focus on what 's right for you .

  16. 性格测试很流行。

    Personality assessments are popular .

  17. 如果我们不应该依赖性格测试,我们怎样才能探索到一个充实的职业生涯呢?

    If we shouldn 't rely on personality tests , how can we find a fulfilling career ?

  18. 校园就业指导中心通常会提供职业评估、性格测试等服务。

    Career centers on campus usually offer this service in addition to a variety of personality tests .

  19. 一个心理学家单独向79名进行了性格测试的学生阅读了这份总结。

    A psychologist read this summary individually to 79 students , who had taken a personality test .

  20. 然后,巴特尔博士与皮萨罗博士将电车难题测试的结果与性格测试的结果联系了起来。

    Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the personality tests .

  21. 网站将提供在线性格测试,然后使用心理数据来更有效地匹配雇主和求职者。

    It would offer online personality tests , then use psychometric data to match candidates with employers more effectively .

  22. 如今,性格测试成为聘用前第二重要的人才评估手段,仅次于技能与知识测试。

    Personality tests are now the second most important measure in the pre-hiring phase , behind skill and knowledge tests .

  23. 进行网络在线或专业的性格测试,更简单地帮助你查明自己的长处,弱点和个人偏好。

    Take an online or professionally administered personality test to help pinpoint your strengths , weaknesses , and personal preferences more easily .

  24. 她认为,职业心理学家应该密切参与测试结果的解读过程,特别是在招聘者使用性格测试时。

    She believes occupational psychologists should be closely involved in the interpretation of test results , particularly when selectors are using personality tests .

  25. 很多行业还要求应聘者进行网络性格测试,同时还要参与到一些挑战个人信息数据处理能力的游戏中去。

    Many firms also ask candidates to take online personality tests as well as games that challenge their ability to handle information and numbers .

  26. 因此,采取性格测试等手段积极识别员工的公平心理偏好强弱,对企业制定恰当的薪酬激励制度具有重要意义。

    So , it is very important for enterprises to screen the fairness preferences of employees by means of personality evaluation when designing optimal incentive systems .

  27. 罗切斯特的梅奥医学研究中心对明尼苏达州的患者进行了性格测试,测试内容为他们的乐观与悲观指数。

    In a study at the Mayo clinic in Rochester , Minnesota patients were given a personality test that assessed their levels of optimism and pessimism .

  28. 有共两万英国人和美国人参加了一项图像性格测试,测试内容包括在一个特定分类里选择一张与自己最匹配的图片。

    Up to 20000 Britons and Americans took part in a visual personality test which involved selecting which image they most identified with in certain categories .

  29. 她的著作,《性格测试的狂热》,认为这样的测试会导致人们误导自己的孩子,或是对公司管理不善,还会误解自己的性格。

    Her book , The Cult of Personality Testing , claims such tests are leading people to miseducate their children , mismanage their companies and misunderstand themselves .

  30. 我不认为他们会,但我听说他们可能给申请者来采访一些性格测试。

    Woman : I don 't think they would , but I have heard they might give applicants who come for interview some sort of personality test .