
xìnɡ ɡé yǎn yuán
  • character actor
  1. 作为电影界的一名性格演员,亨明斯最近开始走红。

    Hemmings is enjoying a newfound popularity as a character actor in the movies .

  2. 查里。卓别林作为一名性格演员而世界闻名。

    Charlie Chaplin was internationally famous as a character actor .

  3. 他以性格演员出了名。

    He made his name as a character actor .

  4. 我想成为一名演员,一名性格演员。

    I 'd like to become an actor , perhaps a character actor .

  5. 例句与用法:他是一个成功的性格演员。

    He is a successful character actor .

  6. 她是一个性格演员。

    She 's a character actress .

  7. 一名性格演员通常没有明星那样亮丽的外表,但是他们在多数影片中必不可少。

    A character actor may not be as good looking as thestars , but they get to work in a lot of movies .

  8. 因此,季前秀俨然就是时装界的“工兵”,它就好比突然出现在舞台剧中、主演家喻户晓角色的知名性格演员:兢兢业业、不受赏识,但作用巨大。

    Hence , the pre-collections exist to do fashion 's donkey work , just like those great character actors who crop up in dramas starring bigger household names : never out of work , barely recognised and terrifically good value .

  9. 缪西娅·普拉达(MiucciaPrada)从90年代末开始选用性格男演员为普拉达男装代言,选用新秀女演员为MiuMiu代言。她说,演员能赋予时装人性,阐述每一季服装背后的故事。

    Miuccia Prada - who since the late " 90s has reserved the roles in Prada men 's wear campaigns for character actors and in Miu Miu campaigns for rising actresses - said actors have the power to humanize fashion and to relate the story behind her seasonal collections .

  10. 冯小刚在电影中客串的角色令人印象太深刻了,他可以称得上是中国最有性格的男演员之一。

    Feng Xiaogang 's cameo appearances have been so memorable he ranks among the best character actors in the nation .

  11. 这位皇马球星说:“我喜欢去迪斯尼,我像一个大孩子。”莱博维茨称贝克汉姆是位性格坚决的演员。

    The Real Madrid star added : " I love going to Disney , I 'm like a big kid . " Leibovitz called him " a very determined actor " .

  12. 角色有属于自己的性格逻辑,演员只有在独特的典型的角色性格逻辑中去行动及生活,才能找到角色的不同之处。

    The role of a logic of their own character , the actor only in the role of the unique character of the typical logic of action and life to go to find the role of the difference .