
  • 网络stellar model
  1. 单带恒星模型的混沌脉动

    The chaotic pulsation in one zone stellar model

  2. 库仑耦合效应对类太阳恒星模型的影响

    Influences of Coulomb Coupling Effects to Solar-like Stellar Models

  3. LittlePlanetFactory制造各种尺寸的行星、卫星和恒星模型。

    Little Planet Factory creates various size models of planets , moons , and suns .

  4. 在电子计算机上计算中型质量恒星模型的数学方法

    A method of computing models of medium-mass stars with an electronic computer

  5. 建立恒星模型是一项势在必行的任务。

    Building model stars is a compulsory task .

  6. 认为恒星模型的计算必然带有某种主观随意性是不公正的。

    It would be unfair to claim that calculation of model stars inherently contains an element of arbitrariness .

  7. 并利用星震学方法检验了有磁场和转动效应的恒星模型的精度和适用范围。

    The models of stellar structure and evolution theory including the magnetic fields and rotation are significantly developed .

  8. 交互投影迭代算法的原理与实践:用线性化分离方法求解Non-LTE恒星大气模型

    Principles and practice of the iterative alter - nating projection algorithm : the solution for non-LTE stellar atmosphere model with linear separate method

  9. 宇宙γ射线爆的恒星耀斑模型

    The stellar " flare " model for cosmic γ - ray burst

  10. 恒星大气模型的应用

    Applications of Model Stellar Atmospheres

  11. 文章介绍作者在早期线性化分离求解恒星大气模型方法基础上的改进工作。

    In this paper , the author introduce a new method using linearring separating concept for stemer atmosphere model calculations .

  12. 但是随着观测技术的提高,近几十年来科学家们发现经典的恒星演化模型计算结果与最新的观测结果存在较大的差异。

    But with the improvement of observation technology , scientists find that there exist lots of differences between the calculated result of evolution model of the classic stars and the latest observation results in recent decades .

  13. 将恒星演化模型与观测结果进行对比,还能有效地追踪银河系自形成以来的演化历史、理解核合成理论,并且对现有的宇宙模型作出检验,促使人们对宇宙演化有更新的认识。

    Researchers can also effectively trace the evolutionary history of the Milky Way since its formation , understand the nucleosynthesis theory , and examine the existing models of the universe by comparing stellar evolution models and observing results to promote researchers updating understanding of universe evolution .

  14. 正常恒星的演化模型计算

    The computation of the evolution model of normal stars

  15. OPAL不透明度对恒星结构和演化模型的影响

    The Influences of OPAL Opacities on Stellar Structure and Evolution Models

  16. 在混合程对流理论的基础上建立起考虑湍流应力作用的恒星结构与演化模型,并计算了8M⊙。

    Based on the mixing-length theory of convection , this paper establishes the mold of stellar structure and studies the evolution of star with 8M_ ⊙ from H-burning stages to the AGB stages considering the turbulences .

  17. 考虑了重元素(包括氦元素和金属元素)扩散效应之后来构造εEridani恒星的平衡结构模型。

    Considering the heavy element ( including helium and metal element ) diffusion , we construct the stellar structure models of ε Eridani .

  18. 在恒星结构和演化模型中,磁流体动力学过程作为一个非理想效应并没有被考虑。

    As a non-ideal effect , magnetohydrodynamics is not considered in the stellar structure and evolution .

  19. 经典的恒星结构与演化模型成功地解释了当时大多数恒星的观测特性。

    Classic stellar structure and evolution model successfully explained the observation characteristics of most of stars at that time .

  20. 考虑自转效应后,恒星结构和演化模型将是二维模型,本文回顾了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。

    The stellar structure and evolution model will be two dimensional due to the effects of rotation , but many scientists have tried to simplify the two dimensional stellar structure and evolution model to one dimensional .

  21. 考虑了重元素扩散效应之后可以使恒星的结构演化模型更加完善,这不仅对小质量恒星的研究有重要的影响,同时对研究整个恒星结构演化中的物理问题也具有一定的意义。

    Considering the heavy element diffusion , it could perfect the stellar structure models . It is important to study the physical problems about the stellar structure and evolution not only for low-mass stars but also for all the stars .

  22. 通过理论计算得到的恒星结构称为恒星模型。

    Such configurations , obtained theoretically by calculation , are called models of a star .

  23. 在分析不同色温恒星光谱分布特征的基础上,建立恒星光谱模型,计算色温差异引起的恒星定位误差。

    In order to analyze the effect of color temperature in star sensor , the model of stellar spectrum was presented in this paper .

  24. 建立了以恒星目视星等、等效温度为参数的恒星辐射谱模型,使利用恒星数据库进行背景噪声分析变得更加简捷。

    A new stellar radiation spectral function was produced to convenience the background noise analysis of satellite optical communication system .

  25. 通过这些观测数据,我们可以更好的研究低质量恒星的结构演化,构造类太阳振动恒星的结构模型,更好的检验恒星结构演化理论。

    Using these oscillations , we can study the stellar structure and evolution of low mass stars , construct the stellar model and test the stellar evolution theory .

  26. 在不考虑恒星自转的情况下,恒星内的等势面是球对称结构,从而可以将恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。

    Without considering the rotation of the stars , equipotential surface in the stars is the spherically symmetric structure , so the stellar structure and evolution model can be simplified into one-dimensional model .

  27. 自上世纪中叶以来,恒星物理研究揭示了大质量恒星内部结构和演化的主要特性,并且构造了一些大质量恒星的演化模型。

    Since the middle of the twentieth century , we have been cognizant of the main characters of the structure and evolution of massive stars approximately and some evolution models have been constructed .