
xuán kōng
  • hang in the air;suspend in midair;mid-air;be divorced from reality
悬空 [xuán kōng]
  • (1) [hang in the air;suspend in midair]∶悬在半空

  • (2) [be divorced from reality]∶ 比喻凭空,空洞

悬空[xuán kōng]
  1. 就剩下我用指尖扒着悬空在几百英尺高的地方。

    I was left hanging by my fingertips over a drop of hundreds of feet .

  2. 这件事不能老悬空,要抓紧解决。

    Let 's deal with the matter now ; it 's hung in the air too long .

  3. 为了让列御寇开开眼界,伯昏瞀人带着他来到山顶的悬崖旁,伯昏瞀突然后脚跟悬空,前脚掌站在悬崖边上,请列御寇过来试试。

    To widen his horizon , Bohun Maoren took him to the cliff at the top of a mountain . Bohun Maoren stood on tiptoe at the edge of the top of a mountain . Bohun Maoren stood on tiptoe at the edge of the cliff , and asked Lie Yukou to have a try .

  4. 由He衍射测定表明Si的悬空键是氟吸附的位置。

    He diffraction measurements show that Si dangling bonds are the sites for fluorine adsorption .

  5. 在微加工中通过电化学沉积Zn制备牺牲层从而制备悬空结构。

    We produce suspend structure by electro-aggradation zincum as sacrificial layer in micro fabrication .

  6. 采用二相功率时钟的无悬空输出绝热CMOS电路

    Adiabatic CMOS Switching Circuits Adopting Two-Phase Power-Clock Supply and Avoiding Floating Output

  7. 等离子蚀刻挠性PI基材制作悬空引线及其参数优化

    Plasma Etching and Parameters Optimizing for Flexible PI Substrate to Produce Flying Lead

  8. 科罗拉多大峡谷U形透明玻璃悬空天桥是美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河上的一处旅游景点。游客可站在高空中俯瞰大峡谷的风光,看着科罗拉多河在脚下奔流,过足“天行者”的瘾。

    Grand Canyon Skywalk is a tourist attraction along the Colorado River on the edge of the Grand Canyon in Arizona , U.S.A.

  9. 500kV单回架空输电线路AC相导线悬空换位

    Aerial Position Change of AC Phase Conductor for 500 kV Overhead Single-circuit Transmission Line

  10. 研究了直接写的两端固定、悬空的PVDF纤维的压电驱动性能。

    Piezoelectric actuation of doubly clamped , suspended PVDF fibers fabricated by a direct-write process has been demonstrated .

  11. 以编程方式实现对象的重定位:该指针操纵为复制和悬空指针(danglingpointer)等问题的发生制造了机会。

    The relocation of objects is done programmatically : This pointer manipulation opens the door to problems of duplication and dangling pointers .

  12. 研究表明,双层悬空结构的圆形射频微电感不仅具有较大的电感量,而且其Q值也较高;平面螺旋天线的变形探讨

    It is found that both of the inductance and Q-factor of this inductor had higher values than those of traditional planar spiral inductors . Study on Deforming of Planar Spiral Antenna

  13. 牺牲层技术是MEMS应用中的关键,用以实现结构悬空和机械可动。

    The use of a sacrificial layer is the key technique to the application of MEMS technology , which is used to obtain the suspended or moveable mechanical structure .

  14. Jazz强制项与其Helper对象之间的引用完整性,但是不强制项之间的引用完整性;也就是说,悬空项引用是允许的。

    Jazz enforces referential integrity between an item and its helper objects , but not between items ; i.e. , dangling item references are allowed .

  15. 介绍了适用于远距离海底管道的基于BOTDA的冲刷悬空监测系统。

    A BOTDA-based scour monitoring system for long distance submarine pipelines .

  16. 用户们对着手机,只能拇指悬空,不知所措,对此他们大为光火:很多人在加拿大黑莓制造商RIM公司的推特主页上发泄自己的愤怒。

    Anger found work for idle thumbs : many tweeted their rage at Research In Motion ( RIM ), the Canadian company that makes BlackBerrys-presumably from other devices .

  17. 利用MEMS工艺制作了一种双层悬空结构的圆形片状微电感,并研究了其在S波段的性能。

    A type of double layer suspended on-chip inductor was fabricated by using the MEMS technology , and the performances of the inductor in S waveband were measured using the HP 8722D network analyzer .

  18. 采用机械振动的广义JACOBI理论编制JACOBI程序,计算固有频率的数值解及临界悬空长度。

    The generalized JACOBI principle of mechanical vibration is applied to write JACOBI program , to calculate the numerical solution of the intrinsic frequency and the critical suspended length .

  19. 为了降低热导和热容,提高探测器的探测灵敏度,用KOH作化学腐蚀完全去除了线性阵列下方的硅衬底,形成悬空结构。

    In order to reduce the thermal conductivity and heating capacity and increase the detectivity of array , the suspended structure was formed on silicon wafer by chemical etching of KOH .

  20. 结果表明,采用JACOBI程序可以快速、方便地求出海底悬空管道的固有频率,为海洋工程的管道设计提供依据。

    The solutions show that using JACOBI program can obtain the intrinsic frequency of subsea suspended pipeline quickly and conveniently , so as to provide the foundation to the pipeline design of marine engineering .

  21. 本文基于Winkler线性理论,建立了地质灾害作用下管道与土相互作用的力学模型,并利用有限元计算了悬空管道上的应力分布。

    In the paper , a mechanical model based on Winkler theory was introduced to describe the interaction between the pipeline and the soil and Finite Element Method ( FEM ) is adopted to calculate the stress profile of suspended pipeline .

  22. 分析了PAL及PAL-1电路中输出悬空对电路性能的影响,强调在绝热电路设计中消除悬空输出的重要性。

    The effect on circuit performance due to the floating output in PAL and PAL 1 circuits is analyzed , with the emphasis on the importance of eliminating floating output in the design of adiabatic circuits .

  23. 除了其独特的生境以外,红树林最令人注意的特征是构成红树林的品种比较单一;Rhizophora品种的拱形高跷根系;其它属的悬空根系团或呼吸根,如Avicennia和Sonneratia。

    The most noteworthy features of mangrove forests , apart from their unique habitat , are : the relative paucity of the species comprising them ; the arch-formed stilt roots of the Rhizophora spp. ;

  24. 地质灾害下悬空管道的应力分析及计算

    Stress Analysis and Calculation of Suspended Pipeline Due to Geotechnical Hazards

  25. 飞机全尺寸悬空疲劳试验技术的研究

    The Research on the Full - Size Aircraft Hanging Test Technology

  26. 两端固定式半悬空集材索道设计理论推导

    The Theoretical Inferences from the Standing Skyline Partial-Suspended Logging Cableway Design

  27. 三维海底悬空管道的随机振动分析

    Analysis of Random Vibration of Three - Dimension Submarine Suspended Pipeline

  28. 海底管道悬空隐患治理技术研究及应用

    The research and application of submarine pipeline free span rectification technology

  29. 观众朋友们,这悬空寺真是悬啊。

    Viewer friends , the Xuangkong Temple is indeed very dangerous .

  30. 仿生水草在海底管道悬空防护中的应用

    Application of Bionic Aquatic Weed for Scour Prevention of Subsea Pipeline