
  • 网络perceptual consumption
  1. 营销中感性消费的类型和层次

    Discussion on Types and Levels of Perceptual Consumption in Marketing

  2. 论药品的感性消费

    Discussion on Perceptual Consumption of Medicine

  3. 感性消费的情感诉求和产品设计的战略

    Emotion Appealing of Emotional Consumption and Production 's Design Strategy

  4. 华北地区中老年针织毛衫感性消费研究

    The Research on Knitted Sweater Emotional Consumption of Middle-aged and Old in North China

  5. 感性消费需要感性的包装设计。

    Emotional emotional consumer packaging design needs .

  6. 论感性消费及设计战略

    Emotion Consumption and Design Strategy

  7. 在感性消费时代,产品形态已成为消费者与设计师沟通的重要媒介。

    In the age of perceptual consumption , forms of products have been the essential marriage between consumers and designers .

  8. 随着消费者消费能力和消费水平的提高,感性消费成为一种消费方式。

    With the rise of the consuming capacity and level of consumers , perceptual consumption has become a way of purchasing .

  9. 家具作为一种日常生活的必需品,正在经历着由理性消费向感性消费过程的转变。

    Furniture as a necessary consumption in our daily life , has gone through the change from the rational consumption to the perceptual consumption .

  10. 摘要近年来消费者需求呈现出了新的演变趋势:便利消费、感性消费、体验消费、绿色消费。

    Recently , there are new trends in consumer 's needs , including convenient consumption , perceptual consumption , experiential consumption , green consumption .

  11. 在注重感性消费的今天,人们消费与阅读文学经典的热情依然很高,只不过已从过去的敬畏转为现在的调侃而已。

    Most Chinese people are the perceptual consumer today , but their enthusiasm has been high about consuming and reading on the Chinese classical literature .

  12. 我国目前处在质的消费阶段向感性消费阶段过渡。受众在消费时开始追求一种情感上的满足,或自我形象的展现。

    China is under a transition from quality consumption to sensitive consumption . The later one suggests that consumers are pursuing sensitive satisfaction , or display of self-image .

  13. 而消费者对干细胞储存认识不断加深,消费行为由最初的,对高科技产品盲目崇拜式的感性消费转变成如今的理性消费。

    Consumer storage and understanding of stem cells , consumer behavior from the initial , high-tech products to the blind worship of the perceptual consumption into rational consumption today .

  14. 随着知识经济和感性消费时代的到来,传统酒店管理模式下的服务已经越来越不能够满足顾客日趋多变的需求。

    With arrival of the age of knowledge-based economy and perceptual consumption , service provided within the traditional hotel management mode has been far from satisfying the consumers ' changeable needs .

  15. 日益激烈的竞争环境、饭店产品的同质化趋势以及感性消费时代的到来,导致了饭店企业品牌竞争时代的来临。

    The gradually intense competition and the homogeneity tendency of hotel services , together with the consumption activities without much reasoning , result in the brand competition era of the hotel .

  16. 在感性消费已成为新世纪最为明显和最富前景的消费特征的大背景下,企业单纯依靠商品和服务的功能特点,已很难满足消费者的需要。

    In the " sensibility consumption " has become the most visible in the new century and the backdrop of the consumption characteristics of rich prospects , Enterprises just rely on goods and services features , It has been harded to meet the needs of consumers .

  17. 第一部分是基础部分,重点对感性及感性消费的概念、特性等做了系统的阐释。对影响感性认知的因素,以及感性的局限性和差异性做了明确的阐释。

    The first part is the basics , focusing on the concept of emotional and affective consumption , characteristics , and so do a systematic explanation .

  18. 随着人类对自然的向往和自我意识的提升,人类将会偏向于带有感性诉求和感性消费的物质,以满足其心理上的需求。

    With the enhancement of human yearning for nature and self-awareness , the human will be biased in favor of the material with emotional appeal and emotional consumption to meet their psychological needs .

  19. 感性设计最初是为了迎合逐渐产生的感性消费,基于商业考虑被动地进行相关设计;后来随着理论研究的不断深入,发展到有计划有意识地用感性设计开拓市场。

    At first Kansei Design is cater to the perception of expending and carry on the related design passively for profit . Then companies plan to develop the market gradually with Kansei Design .