
ɡǎn ēn jié
  • the Thanksgiving Day
  1. 感恩节时吃火鸡是美国的传统。

    It 's traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day .

  2. 感恩节、圣诞节和元旦不营业。

    Closed Thanksgiving Day , December 25 , and January 1 .

  3. 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。

    Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving .

  4. 我们过感恩节时总是吃火鸡。

    We always eat turkey on Thanksgiving .

  5. 有火鸡及各色配菜的感恩节大餐

    a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and all the trimmings .

  6. 这将是我们参加过的最盛大的感恩节晚餐。

    It 's going to be the most magnificent Thanksgiving dinner we ever had .

  7. 不管因生意关系去了什么地方,他总要赶回家过感恩节。

    No matter where his business took him , he always managed to be home for Thanksgiving

  8. 感恩节礼拜仪式将在小教堂举行。

    The thanksgiving service will be held in the chapel .

  9. 尽管在感恩节、黑色星期五和网络星期一,线上销售都达到历史峰值,门店销售却直线下滑。

    While   Thanksgiving ,   Black   Friday   and   Cyber   Monday all   saw   record   spending   online ,   in-store   sales   plunged   over   the   holiday   weekend .

  10. 感恩节、圣诞节、元旦和5月首周一不营业。

    Closed Thanksgiving Day , December 25 , January 1 , and the first Monday in May .

  11. 最后,感恩节成了一次难忘的经历。

    In the end , that Thanksgiving became an unforgettable experience .

  12. 感恩节前一天,我爸爸召集了一个家庭会议。

    The day before Thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting .

  13. 还有一次,一家企业为感恩节捐赠了六只火鸡。

    Another time , a business donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving .

  14. 所以我们不做感恩节晚餐了?

    So we wouldn 't cook our own Thanksgiving dinner ?

  15. 对其他人来说,这是他们第一次吃感恩节大餐。

    For others , it was the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal .

  16. 热土豆馅饼配玉米面包,感恩节汤,新鲜蔬菜沙拉,三种水果口味的冰淇淋

    Hot Potato Pie with Cornbread Topping Thanksgiving Soup Fresh Vegetable Salad Trinity Fruit Ice-cream

  17. 感恩节就要到了。

    Thanksgiving was just around the corner .

  18. 感恩节前夜已经很晚了。

    It was late on Thanksgiving Eve .

  19. 感恩节总是在星期四举行。

    Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday .

  20. “感恩节那天,我们要去一个流浪汉之家帮忙。”

    " We are going to help out at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day . "

  21. 在许多家庭的感恩节晚餐上,餐桌上的每个人都会分享他们所感激的东西。

    At many Thanksgiving dinners , everyone around the table shares something they are thankful for .

  22. 李先生:你认为春节和感恩节的主要区别是什么?

    Mr Li : What do you think are the main differences between the Spring Festival and Thanksgiving ?

  23. 李先生:是的。我听说美国人在感恩节也会聚在一起吃一顿特别的大餐。这听起来很相似。

    Mr Li : Yes . I hear that at Thanksgiving Americans also get together for a special meal.It sounds similar .

  24. 通过这次经历我明白了,感恩节是思考祝福、寻求祝福他人方式的节日。

    Through this experience , I learned that Thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings and look for ways to bless others .

  25. 山姆:嗯,我们参加不同的活动,吃不同的食物。在中国,人们通常放烟火和吃饺子。在美国,我们通常在电视上观看感恩节游行和美式橄榄球赛。我们也吃火鸡。

    Sam : Well , we take part in different activities and eat different kinds of food.In China , people usually set off fireworks and eat dumplings.In the US , we usually watch a Thanksgiving parade and an American football game on TV.We also eat turkey .

  26. 我要参加感恩节的演出

    I 'm to be in the Thanksgiving theatricals .

  27. 今年的感恩节是11月28日。

    Thanksgiving day was November 28 this year .

  28. 周末她要回家参加感恩节餐会。

    She will go home to take part in the Thanksgiving dinner this weekend .

  29. 感恩节你吃的比之前多,因为那天早晨你去了趟健身房。

    You eat more at Thanksgiving because you went to the gym in the morning .

  30. 像梅西百货大游行那种商家赞助的感恩节游行到现在都还很常见。

    Store-sponsored Thanksgiving parades like the Macy 's parade are still common to this day .