
  • 网络chronic stable angina;stable angina pectoris;Chronic stable angina pectoris
  1. 对于慢性稳定型心绞痛患者,PCI能缓解其症状,但并不能降低死亡率及罹患急性心肌梗死(MI)的风险。

    In patients with chronic stable angina , percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) reduces symptoms but does not affect mortality or risk for acute myocardial infarction ( MI ) .

  2. 血浆骨桥蛋白水平对于慢性稳定型心绞痛患者的预后意义

    Prognostic significance of plasma osteopontin levels in patients with chronic stable angina

  3. 慢性稳定型心绞痛的药物和介入治疗

    Pharmacologic Therapy and Percutaneous Coronary Interventions of Chronic Stable Angina

  4. 单硝酸异山梨酯对慢性稳定型心绞痛患者的长期抗缺血作用

    The long-term anti-ischemic effect of isosorbide mononitrate in patients with chronic stable angina pectoris

  5. 慢性稳定型心绞痛分裂样精神病前驱症状的调查分析

    Chronic stable angina Prodromal symptoms of schizophreniform psychosis

  6. 目的:研究慢性稳定型心绞痛患者中2型糖尿病对其血管内皮功能的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of 2 type diabetes mellitus on endothelial function of patients with stable angina .

  7. 目的:观察麝香保心丸治疗老年慢性稳定型心绞痛伴高脂血症的临床疗效,并对其部分作用机理进行初步探讨。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effects of the elderly chronic stable angina with hyperlipidemia treated by the Shexiang Baoxin pills .

  8. 与安慰剂和晨起服用相比,每日睡前顿服地尔硫分级释放剂治疗慢性稳定型心绞痛的有效性和安全性

    Efficacy and safety of a once-daily graded-release diltiazem formulation dosed at bedtime compared to placebo and to morning dosing in chronic stable angina pectoris

  9. 并有望成为美国心脏病学会和美国心脏学会(ACC&AHA)推荐的慢性稳定型心绞痛治疗方案的辅助治疗药物。

    Ranolazine is likely to become the adjuvant therapeutic drug for treatment of chronic stable angina pectoris , which is recommended by American Heart Association and the American Heart Association ( AHA-ACC ) . Clinical trials showed that the NO production decreased obviously in coronary artery of angina pectoris patient .