
  • adult school
  1. 我正在成人学校补习法语,到时好让他们大吃一惊。

    I 'm brushing up on my French at adult school just to surprise them .

  2. 因我有普通中等证书,在该学区漫长的教学生涯中,我有机会在高中和成人学校教授了几乎所有课程。

    Because of my General Secondary Credential , I had the opportunity to teach , during my long tenure in the district , practically every subject in high school and adult school .

  3. 全国各级成人学校基本情况

    Basic Statistics of Adult Schools in China by Level Type

  4. 乡镇成人学校办学功能拓展探析

    Exploration on the School-running Function of Expansion in Countries and Towns ′ Adult Schools

  5. 成人学校体育教学中预防运动损伤的探讨

    On preventing physical injuries in adult PE Teaching

  6. 注:本表未含技工校、工读校、成人学校、攻读硕士博士学位的在职人员及网络教育数据。

    Note : Basic statistics excluded data of skilled workers'schools , reformatory schools , adult schools , incumbent learning for Master and Doctor 's degree and network education .

  7. 第五章针对乡镇成人学校在教育经费统筹政策中面临的挑战,从学校管理者的角度出发,从对政策本身以及学校积极去适应政策两方面提出对策建议。

    Chapter township adult school funding for education planning policies in the face of challenges , from the perspective of school administrators , from the right policy itself is actively adaptation policy measures both recommendations .

  8. 从中可以获得如下启示:应大办妇女成人学校以满足广大妇女对教育的渴望;

    These achievements have a wide range of implications for women " s education in China : ( 1 ) A great number of adult women schools should be set up in order to meet women " s desire for knowledge ;

  9. 第四章以问卷调查和访谈为依据,研究分析乡镇成人学校在教育经费区级统筹以后所带来的机遇和面临的挑战,分析了教育经费区级统筹政策不适用于乡镇成校的原因。

    Fourth chapter is based on questionnaires and interviews , research and analysis township adult school district co-ordination in education funding since the opportunities and challenges , analysis of district-level funding for education policy does not apply to towns as school reasons .

  10. 在具体的开发途径上,成人学校则应在社会舆论、学校实践、个人学习和政策制度四个方面针对初期成人的具体需求进行细致的调整,以期吸引更多的成人初期社会个体接受教育。

    In the development of specific ways , to attract more young adulthood learners to accept education , adult school should do some detailed adjustments in following four aspects which are the public opinion , school practices , personal study , policies and systems .

  11. 浅谈依法办学&走进WTO以后,成人高等学校的教育定位

    Brief Discussion on Running School Lawfully & After WTO , the Educational Niche in Adults school

  12. 高校扩招以来我国独立设置成人高等学校发展状况研究

    Study on Development Situation of Independent Established Adult Higher Education Institutions since Expanding Enrolment of Higher Education Institutions

  13. 成人高等学校1172所,在校学生235.2万人,比1990年增加41.1%;

    1,172 schools of higher learning for adults with 2.352 million students , an increase of 41.1 percent over the 1990 figure ;

  14. 谈成人高等学校科研工作的地位、特征和管理原则关于高专高职两段式培养模式的研究


  15. 不断提高办学质量是各类学校生存与发展的基础,也是成人高等学校培养创新人才、实现培养目标的前提。

    Improving the teaching quality is the base of the development of the all kinds of colleges , and also the essential prerequisite to reach the aim of the cultivation .

  16. 本系统是面向各类成人高等学校学籍管理工作和毕业生学历证书电子注册工作,提高学籍、学历证书管理效率,规范管理过程和信息化标准的教育管理软件系统。

    The software system of educational - management is about the management of student information and the electro-registration of diploma in all adult colleges to improve the efficiency of the management of both student information and diploma , and to standardize the management process and information criterion .

  17. 树立和落实科学发展观,对于成人高等学校坚持育人为本,教学、科研、社会服务协调发展,确保成人高等教育持续、健康的发展,具有重大的现实意义。

    The scientific outlook of development plays an important role in the development of adult higher schools with the adherence to the principles of humanism , maintaining the harmonious development of teaching , scientific research and social service , and ensuring the sustainable and healthy development of adult higher education .

  18. 建立成人高等专科学校试题库的尝试

    The Experimental View of Establishing the Storage of Examination Questions in Adult Higher Schools

  19. 成人中等专业学校在校学生251万人。成人技术培训学校培训学员8682万人次。

    There were another 2.51 million students in adult secondary specialized schools , and adult technical training schools offered courses to 86.82 million persons .

  20. 道德救助包括建立城市弱势群体的救助基金、建立成人希望职业学校、建构心理咨询信息服务中心。

    The moral aid contains establishment of city disadvantaged group aid funds , Hope Vocational Schools for grow-ups and information service centers of psychological consultation .

  21. 儿童(和成人)在学校教导如果你看到别的孩子乱丢垃圾,你应该用手指着他然后发出猪叫的声音,围拢过去。

    Kids ( and adults ) are taught at school that if you see another kids dropping littler you should point at them and make Oink ! Oink ! piggy noises and generally mob them .

  22. 注:独立学院和成人高校不计入学校数。

    Note : The number of institutions excludes self-governing colleges and adult education schools .

  23. 卫尔斯理位于波士顿西郊。像每一位被这个学院录取的学生一样,提摩西被当做女孩抚养成人。在申请学校时,他在申请表格上勾画了“女性”的选项。

    Like every other matriculating student at Wellesley , which is just west of Boston , Timothy was raised a girl and checked " female " when he applied .

  24. 棉花糖实验因为数年后的神奇发现而名声大噪:当年实验中那些抵御诱惑获得两块棉花糖的孩子长大成人后,在学校、工作以及感情中都更为成功;

    The Marshmallow Test became famous due to a remarkable discovery made some years later . Those children who were able to resist temptation for the reward of two marshmallows grew into adults who were more successful in school , work and relationships .

  25. 从心理学的角度分析成人学员在心理上和学习活动中的特点,不难看出,成人学员与普通学校学生有很大不同。

    Through psychological analysis of adult students in mind and studying activities , we find great differences to common school students .