
chéng běn
  • cost;capitalized cost;prime cost;final cost
成本 [chéng běn]
  • [cost] 生产某一产品所耗费的全部费用

成本[chéng běn]
  1. ERP系统定位于企业内部资金流与物流的全程一体化管理,即实现从原材料采购到产品完成整个过程的各种资源计划与控制,主要目标仍是以产品生产为导向的成本控制;

    ERP is focus on the integration management of fund flow and material flow of an enterprise , aiming at the control of prime cost .

  2. 可见IBA与MS液混用快速沾浸法可以降低成本、省工及操作迅速,因而可减少温度和湿度等环境因素的影响。

    Using IBA mixed with solution Ma for rapid soaking might reduce prime cost , save labour and operate quickly , Thin method also decreases the impact of environmental factors such as temperature and humidity .

  3. 咱们实际一点儿,先计算一下成本费用。

    Let 's be practical and work out the cost first .

  4. 他们的会计师估算此项工程成本为810万元。

    Their accountants have costed the project at $ 8.1 million .

  5. 这光盘可按成本价购买。

    Copies of the CD can be purchased at cost price .

  6. 我们首先看一下成本的详细数字。

    First , let 's look at a breakdown of the costs .

  7. 因为成本日益上涨,我们不得不提高价格。

    We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs .

  8. 再说,我们必须考虑成本。

    And again , we must think of the cost .

  9. 我们该讨论成本问题了。

    It 's time we got on to the question of costs .

  10. 由于削减成本,邮件的递送可能会延迟。

    Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting .

  11. 他们的首要目标是维持低成本。

    Their overriding aim was to keep costs low .

  12. 这是我们的方案的详细成本计算。

    Here is a detailed costing of our proposals .

  13. 公司想保持低劳动成本。

    The company wants to keep down labour costs .

  14. 实际成本比我们预计的要高。

    The actual cost was higher than we expected .

  15. 这在成本上意味着什么?

    What does this mean in terms of cost ?

  16. 去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。

    Last year 's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs .

  17. 在过去的一年里,实际工资成本增加了10%。

    Real wage costs have risen by 10 % in the past year .

  18. 你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。

    You must weigh the benefits against the cost .

  19. 小型轿车还有一个优点是养护成本比较便宜。

    A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run .

  20. 为补偿原料成本的增加而提高了价格。

    Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials .

  21. 它的主要缺点是成本高。

    The main drawback to it is the cost .

  22. 有这么多的可变因素,很难计算出成本。

    With so many variables , it is difficult to calculate the cost .

  23. 成本应保持在最低限度。

    costs should be kept to a minimum .

  24. 他为了得到联邦资助而故意压低项目的成本价格。

    He lowballed the cost of the project in order to obtain federal funding .

  25. 一降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响。

    When costs are cut product quality suffers .

  26. 所列成本仅系约计。

    The cost given is only approximate .

  27. 美术书籍制作成本高。

    Art books are expensive to produce .

  28. 成本达到千位数。

    The cost ran into the thousands .

  29. 你最好作一些成本估算。

    You 'd better do some costings .

  30. 如果成本增加,价格就会相应上涨。

    If costs go up , there will be a pro rata increase in prices .