
chénɡ shú qún luò
  • mature community
  1. 原因在于,随着群落进化,群落内乔木层垂直结构逐渐发展成熟,群落郁闭度增高引起林下光照不足使得草本层生长受到阻碍,群落地上生物量总体降低。

    The reason is that , with the evolution of communities , communities within the tree layer of the vertical structure of the progressive development of mature , higher density communities caused lack of light which makes herb layer growth hampered , community to reduce the overall aboveground biomass .

  2. 发育成熟的交错群落具有最高的植物多样性,且高于相对应的典型森林群落。

    The mature community processes the highest diversity in the ecotone . It is also higher than that in the corresponding typical forest community .

  3. 在固体发酵的成熟阶段,微生物群落逐渐趋于稳定。

    In the mature stage of fermentation , the microbial community gradually tended to be stable .

  4. 构建一个科学完善,成熟合理的植物群落,在净化空气,调节气候,增强绿地景观效果,保护和美化环境,维持城市生态平衡等方面都起着非常重要的作用。

    It will play avery important role if we build a scientific and rational , sound and mature plantcommunities , in air purification , climate regulation , and enhance the effect of greenlandscape , protect and beautify the environment , maintain urban ecological balance .