
  1. 我们的文艺应该为人民群众所喜闻乐见。

    Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste .

  2. 我们的文艺属于人民。

    Our literature and art belong to the people .

  3. 我们的文艺工作者,应该向他们好好做工作。

    Our literary and art workers must do a good job in this respect .

  4. 我们的文艺工作者一定要完成这个任务,转变他们的立场。

    Our literary and art workers must accomplish this task and shift their stand .

  5. 我们的文艺,应该为着上面说的四种人。

    Our literature and art should be for the four kinds of people we have enumerated .

  6. 他们在斗争中已经改造或正在改造自己,我们的文艺应该描写他们的这个改造过程。

    They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so , and our literature and art should depict this process .

  7. 正因为这样,我们的文艺的政治性和真实性才能够完全一致。

    This is precisely why there can be complete unity between the political character of our literary and artistic works and their truthfulness .

  8. 只有把这些弄清楚了,我们的文艺才能有丰富的内容和正确的方向。

    Only when we grasp all this clearly can we have a literature and art that is rich in content and correct in orientation .

  9. 我们的文艺,应当在描写和培养社会主义新人方面付出更大的努力,取得更丰硕的成果。

    Our writers and artists should try harder to portray and help foster the new socialist man and achieve greater successes in doing so .

  10. 斗争风雨的严峻考验证明,从总体来看,我们的文艺队伍是好的。有这样一支文艺队伍,我们党和人民是感到十分高兴的。

    Through the ordeal of struggle , by and large our writers and artists have proved good , and the Party and people rejoice in this .

  11. 就是我们的文艺工作者的思想感情和工农兵大众的思想感情打成一片。

    It means that the thoughts and feelings of our writers and artists should be fused with those of the masses of workers , peasants and soldiers .

  12. 我们的文艺工作者需要做自己的文艺工作,但是这个了解人熟悉人的工作却是第一位的工作。

    Our writers and artists have their literary and art work to do , but their primary task is to understand people and know them well . In this regard , how have matters stood with our writers and artists ?

  13. 编写《中国文学史》,总爱用我们今天的文艺理论来评价古代的文学家与他们的作品,这当然是必要的,因为学术总得与时俱进。

    It is of course necessary that we assess ancient writers and their works with Literary theory today in writing the History of Chinese Literature , because of academic keeping pace with the Times .

  14. 蚯蚓眼是夏衍于1946年在上海《世界晨报》上开辟的杂感专栏,文章多短小精悍,有些甚至只是标题性的,信息十分丰富,但其样态与我们所习见的文艺性杂文有许多差异。

    Earthworm 's Eye is an essay column in the World Morning Paper run by Xia Yan in Shanghai in 1946 . The essays published in the column are mostly short and pithy , and some of them are like news headlines but quite informative .

  15. 我们现在所谓的“文艺复兴(renaissance)”,在法国文学界还被称作“larestitutiondeslettres”,意即:经典作品的复原或再现。

    What we now call the Renaissance was , in French literary circles , also known as " La restitution des lettres " : the restoration or reproduction of classical learning .

  16. 你为什么不给我们的报纸报些文艺稿件呢?

    Why don 't you contribute literary articles to our newspaper ?

  17. 哈罗德·布鲁姆提供给我们六个修正比以使作为后人的我们从影响河中逃出并创造出我们自己的文艺复兴。

    Bloom offers six revisionary ratios that help us ephebes survive the influence river , which are our urgent need for producing Chinese Renaissance .