
  1. 我想要爱与和平。

    I want to spread love . I want to encourage peace .

  2. 我想要国家爱我们,就像我们爱国家一样!

    I want my country love us ! Like us love our country !

  3. 你到底想要什么?我想要兄弟爱我。

    What do you really want ? I want my brother to love me .

  4. 当我想要男生爱生我的时候,我会确保他每讲一个笑话我都会用笑声回应。

    If I want a guy to fall in love with me , I make sure to laugh and all his jokes !

  5. 我想要的就是爱他然后让他也爱我。

    All I ever wanted was just love him and have him love me back .

  6. 有一种爱叫做白头偕老,而我,想要这种爱!

    There is a love called the white-headedconjugal bliss , and I wanted to kind of love !

  7. 我想要你温暖的爱。

    I want you to be here with me .

  8. 我想要很多很多的爱,如果没有,那我就要很多很多的钱。

    Just for a happy ending in the future if you really want to have !

  9. 那是我想要的生活,爱厨房,爱生命,爱后院的休闲生活

    That 's the life I want , love the kitchen , love life , love the back yard life

  10. 她酒后吞服镇静剂并上吊自杀,在厨房的桌子上她留下了这么一张遗书:我的罪恶是想要爱也想得到爱,仅此而已。

    She had committed suicide by hanging herself after drinking alcohol with a depressant . A note discovered on the kitchen table read , My sin was wanting to love and be loved , nothing more .