
  1. 卢达克里斯和美国银行前任首席执行官肯·刘易斯,以及《VICE》的第一位女主编埃利斯·琼斯都是我的大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college , as well as VICE 's first female editor-in-chief , Ellis Jones .

  2. 使得我的大学选择变得更为复杂的是我蒸蒸日上的径赛事业——我想继续跑步,但我的跑步速度还没有快到足以获得奖学金。

    Further complicating my college search was a flourishing stack career — I wanted to keep running but my times weren 't quite fast enough to secure a scholarship .

  3. 以下是没人告诉过我的大学就读须知前五条:

    Here are the top 5 things nobody told me about college :

  4. 谢谢我的大学好友DavidKanuth陆军中尉

    Thanks to my college buddy , Army Lieutenant David Kanuth ,

  5. 在我的大学时代和早期职业生涯中,我做过C、C++、PHP以及在Linux下Perl的开发,这正是我坚定支持开源的一大主因。

    Throughout my college days and early career , I did a lot of work in C , C + + , PHP , and Perl on Linux , which is probably part of the reason why I 'm such a big proponent of open source today .

  6. 我的大学生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐。

    My university days seem happier in retrospect than in reality .

  7. 我的大学学费要花很多钱。

    My college tuition is going to cost me a fortune .

  8. 我的大学四年给了我自信

    So , my four years in school gave me the confidence

  9. 上周四,我们为我的大学同学庆祝生日。

    Last Thursday my college-mates and I got a birthday party .

  10. 实际上,我的大学成绩比他们的还要好。

    Actually , I had better marks than they did in university .

  11. 下面将是我的大学四年素质规划。

    Here is my four years college life quality plan .

  12. 我的大学生活的第一个学期结束了。

    The my university life 's first semester ended .

  13. 在我的大学我有很多好的老师和朋友。

    I have a lot of good teachers and friend in my university .

  14. 除非他捐钱给我的大学基金。

    Unless he donated money to my college fund .

  15. 但是,我的大学生活却没有一点光彩。

    The trick is to find that kind of luster in everyday life .

  16. 它是,因为我的大学比其他大学执行更加严密的标准。

    It 's because my university performs more stricter criteria than other universities .

  17. 这个月我的大学里发生了四起自杀案件。

    Eg. there are four cases of suicide this month at my university .

  18. 我的大学教育,是由佩尔助学金资助的。

    My college education was financed by Pell grants .

  19. 这可以抵我的大学贷款。

    This could pay off my college loans .

  20. 存钱准备我的大学学费。

    To save money for my college tuition .

  21. 我的大学时期十分愉快。

    University was a good time for me .

  22. 当然我的大学教学工作仍占用了我很多时间。

    Of course , my university work still takes a good deal of time .

  23. 我的大学都是上小班课,可以单独与教授进行充分交流。

    The classes at my college were small enough for great one-on-one exchange with professors .

  24. 我的大学在一家超市附近。

    My university is near a supermarket .

  25. 我的大学规划了今后三年的发展蓝图。

    My college has drawn up a blueprint for development in the next three years .

  26. 我的大学的学费比其他的学校要贵一些。

    What 's worse , my college 's tuition is more expensive than other colleges .

  27. 我的大学导师给我写了封推荐信附在我的求职申请后。

    My university tutor wrote me a letter of recommendaton to support my job application .

  28. 我的大学是在佛蒙特州念的,当时校园里到处都是这种车,所以我也很自然地选择了它。

    My Vermont College campus was blanketed with them , which made it an easy call .

  29. 我的大学梦眨眼间破灭。

    My dreams of going to college were washed away in the blink of an eye .

  30. 他们中的一些人厌倦了待在企业,所以才来我的大学里教商科。

    Some of them got tired of the corporate world and taught business at my university .