
  • 网络My Heart;My Regard
  1. 您的品牌,我的心意!

    Your brand , my regard !

  2. 宽容他正合我的心意。

    It suits me to put up with him .

  3. 你这人很合我的心意。

    You are a man after my heart .

  4. 这是给你的,代表着我的心意。

    This is for you on my behalf .

  5. 但是您应该明白我的心意!

    But you can see my good intention !

  6. 亲爱的,你可不要辜负我的心意。

    Darling , please don 't disappoint me !

  7. 让他们读懂我的心意。

    Let them out there read my mind .

  8. 画眉山庄无论离哪个村镇都有数英里之遥,正合我的心意。

    Thrushcross Grange is miles away from any town or village.That suits me perfectly .

  9. 这才像话;这才合我的心意。

    I welcome that offer or suggestion .

  10. 他岂能领会我的心意?

    My good intention did he understand ?

  11. 你将会明白我的心意。

    You will understand the way .

  12. 宝贝,你能否感受到我的心意?

    Baby can you feel me ?

  13. 并非真正符合我的心意

    Not really to my liking

  14. 那时乡村生活远离城市和文明,正合我的心意。

    At that time a rural life , far from the cities and civilization , was my aim .

  15. 一点生日的祝愿,让你知道我的心意,一点友谊的象征,让我们共同铭记。

    Just a little Birthday wish to let you know I care , just a little token of friendship that we share .

  16. 您是否认为补入括符内的红字以令他人得以了解我的心意会更好些?

    Would you think it will be better to add in the red wordings in bracket for others to understand my intention ?

  17. 就是想在你生日那天给你一个大惊喜。但偏偏你在这几天病了,所以你不能看到我的心意。这让我觉得很惋惜。

    But unluckily you were ill on those days * so you couldn 't see my intention , what was such a pity to me .

  18. 请把这个给你的老板,算是我的一点心意。

    Please give this to your boss with my compliments

  19. 你难道还看不出我对你的心意吗?我爱你!

    Can 't you see what I 'm trying to tell you , I love you !

  20. 永远不要误解我最真诚的心意。

    Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved .

  21. 我的意思是心意到了就好

    I mean , it 's the thought that counts .

  22. 我想我们的心意相同。

    I guess we were thinking the same thought .

  23. 也许它看起来微不足道,但确是我的一点心意!

    Maybe it seems not important but the card of gift from my heart .

  24. 这是我的一点点心意!生日快乐!我真诚的祝愿以及最美的祝福。

    Here is a little token of my affection ! Happy birthday ! Sincere congratulations and best of wishes too .

  25. 但对此批评,保罗却可以坦然地回应说:「我相信神的心意是要我这刻留在以弗所」。

    But Paul was able to say , 'I believe this is the will of God for me at this time ' .

  26. 我跟随自己的心意,让这种富足穿过我身体里的每一个细胞,我自如地活在当下。

    I stay in the present moment as I follow my heart and let abundance flow through every cell in my body .

  27. “我完全了解曼克奈斯的心意”奥斯特曼打岔道。

    I understand Magnus all right , put in osterman .

  28. 这是我的一点小心意,希望你喜欢。

    A : This is a small gift . I hope you like it .

  29. 喜爱中国绘画四十年了,这也算是我表达的一点心意吧!

    It is like my tribute to China after my forty year love affair with Chinese painting .

  30. 这就是你要传达给我的信息吗?心意?

    Is that the message that you want to leave me with , it 's the thought ?