
  1. 如果申请人是在把房产过户给孩子后的五年之内向医疗补助署(Medicaid)申请长期医保福利,医疗补助署会认为做出赠予行为是为了获取纳入医疗补助计划的资格。

    When an applicant gives away property within five years of applying for Medicaid coverage of long-term-care benefits , Medicaid presumes that the gift was made to qualify for Medicaid .

  2. 许多人试图在增税措施生效之前将已经卖掉的房产过户。

    Many were trying to register their home sales before the tax increase went into effect .

  3. 很多家长认为把房产过户给孩子,会帮助他们获得享受医疗补助计划中的长期医保福利的资格。

    Many parents think transferring a home to one 's children will help them qualify for Medicaid 's long-term-care benefits .

  4. 如果父母想将房产过户,但要继续住在那套房子里,建议采取额外的法律措施。

    If the parents want to transfer ownership but continue to live in the house , additional legal steps are recommended .

  5. 房产过户之后的一切增值对于受托人和子女来说也都是免税的。

    All appreciation in the value of the home after the initial transfer also becomes tax-free for both the trust and the children .

  6. 虽说未见到房主王先生,但杨某巧舌如簧很快就打消了他的疑虑,并很快办理了房产过户手续,大张旗鼓地进行了装修,一家人高高兴兴搬进了新居。

    While not see owner Well , but quickly took up his sly doubts , and soon for the property transfer procedures , done with great fanfare a decoration , a person looking into the new homes .

  7. 比如,如果申请人把房产过户给一直住在这套房子里并至少提供了两年必要护理的配偶或孩子时,那条五年时间的规定就不管用了。

    The five-year rule doesn 't come into play , for example , if the applicant is transferring the property to his or her spouse or to a child who has been living in the house and providing necessary nursing care for at least two years .

  8. 买了房子再卖掉所需的费用——包括房产中介费、过户费、买卖手续费、验房师和估价师的费用一一加在一起大概是房价的10%,或者大致相当于一年半的房租。

    The costs for buying and then selling a home-which can include a real-estate agent 's fee , a transfer fee , closing costs , and inspector and surveyor fees-could add up to about 10 % of the sale price , or roughly1.5 years worth of rent .

  9. 父母或为了助子女一臂之力,或为了减少他们房产应缴的税款,有时会考虑把房产过户给他们的孩子。

    Parents , either to help their children out or to reduce the taxable value of their estate , sometimes weigh transferring ownership of their home to their children .