
  1. 本文将企业发展演变的第二阶段称为近代企业,指从集中的手工工场到建立工厂制度这一过渡阶段的企业形态。

    This is the second period in the evolution of enterprises . Modern enterprises were the enterprises transiting from centralized workshops to factory system .

  2. 发生在18世纪60年代的第一次工业革命,其主要表现是大机器工业代替手工业,机器工厂代替手工工场。

    Big machine replacing handicraft , and machine factory replacing handicraft workshop , i.e. the first industrial revolution in 60es of the 18 Century .

  3. 大量奴隶的存在,是由于许多奴隶在监工的监督下在房屋很大的手工工场内一起工作。

    The reason for the large number of slaves was that many of them worked together in manufactories , in large rooms , under overseers .

  4. 资本主义生产关系和手工工场的发展,使活字印刷与机器生产方式结合起来,产生了新的印刷机,为科技期刊的问世创造了物质条件;

    The development of the relations of production , the flourishing of handicraft workshops , and the use of new technology of publishing provided the material condition for the coming out of scientific journals .

  5. 它混有的农业与工业在郊外,星罗棋布地分布着生产饮料管、精密用具以及伞类的手工工场体现了法国劳动人民坚韧不拔的精神,他们始终觉得自己囊中羞涩、前途不明。

    Its blend of rural and industrial-artisanal workshops turning out drinking straws , precision tools and umbrellas are dotted in its outskirts-characterises the gritty spirit of working France , which feels its pockets squeezed , and its future unsure .

  6. 特别是在近代,由于国内外茶叶市场不断扩大的需要,晋商茶庄的经营形态也逐步由小作坊发展到规模宏大的资本主义手工工场,并出现了向近代机器制茶工厂过渡的趋势。

    Especially in modern times , due to expanding needs of tea market , the formation of management in tea firms of Shanxi merchants gradually changed from small workshop to capitalist handicraft workshop on a great scale and trended to tea manufacture with modern machines .

  7. 工业革命是英国从农业社会向工业社会的转型期,也是机器生产取代手工操作、工厂取代家庭作坊和手工工场的变革期。

    Industrial Revolution is the transformation of British from the agricultural society to the industrialized . It is also a change that machinery replaces manual labor ; factory replaces family workshop and manufacture .