
  • 网络governing status
  1. 在新的历史条件下,为了加强党的执政能力建设,巩固党的执政地位,我们就要从群众资源、经济资源、权力资源、理论资源和组织资源等各方面不断开拓党的执政资源。

    Under the new historical condition , to enhance the governing capability building of CPC , consolidate the governing status of CPC , should develop constantly the governing resources from the aspects of mass resources , economy resources , power resources , theory resources and organization resources , etc.

  2. 为此,党必须增强和拓展新的执政合法性资源,构建新的合法性基础,有效地巩固党的执政地位,不断提高党的执政能力。

    Therefore , the political legitimacy foundation of the Party 's government must be relaid by developing new legitimacy resources of the Party 's government , by consolidating the Party 's governing status and by constantly building up the Party 's governing capacity .

  3. 在澳大利亚,他领导的工党(LaborParty)的执政地位被内部纷争和选民的不满推翻。

    His Labor Party 's hold on power in Australia was upended by internal disputes and voter weariness .

  4. 第一,巩固执政地位的必然需要;

    Firstly , the inevitable need of consolidating ruling status .

  5. 树立忧患意识与加强党的执政地位的思考

    Acquiring the Sense of Anxiety and Enhancing the Party 's Ruling Position

  6. 国共两党执政地位转换的历史启示

    The Historical Revelation of the Power Switchover between the KMT and the CCP

  7. 为了巩固党的执政地位,必须对党进行监督。

    We must supervise the Party in order to consolidate its governing position .

  8. 巩固党的执政地位,构建和谐社会;

    Consolidate the ruling status of the party , structure the harmonious society ;

  9. 三是巩固党的长期执政地位。

    And the third was to reinforce the ruling role of the Party .

  10. 巩固党的执政地位,实现党的长期执政,就要不断夯实党执政合法性基础。

    We must consolidate the base of legitimacy in order to govern long .

  11. 巩固党的执政地位必须大力发扬延安精神

    Developing the Yanan Spirit in order to strength the status of the Party in Power

  12. 随着社会的发展,党的执政地位的社会认同需要更新资源。

    With the development of society , social identity for the leadership needs to be renovated .

  13. 苏共丧失执政地位的领导根源

    The Root in Leadership of the Communist Party of the Former Soviet Union Losing Its Ruling Status

  14. 党的先进性是关系到能否巩固其执政地位的根本性问题。

    Party 's advance is a basic question relating to whether its executive position can be hold .

  15. 党的执政地位是历史和人民的选择。

    The ruling status of the CCP was the right choice of the history and the whole Chinese .

  16. 党的执政地位的巩固与广大青年的政治认同和追随紧密相联。

    Youth 's politics self-identity and pursuance is closely related to stabilization of the ruling party 's position .

  17. 这很有可能,即便是没有实现,也会威胁基社盟的独立执政地位。

    It is conceivable , if still unlikely , that this could threaten the CSU 's absolute majority .

  18. 但无论哪个党,都必须细化其用以评估的原则,才配得上执政地位。

    No party deserves power unless it has detailed the principles with which it would approach that review .

  19. 党取得执政地位后在自身伦理建设上面临着从革命伦理向执政伦理的转型。

    The Party was faced with the transformation from revolutionary ethic to power execution ethic after it held power .

  20. 从法治建设而言,执政地位法律化、执政行为法律化、执政程序法律化,这三个方面是任务的重心;

    Ruling status legalization , ruling behavior legalization , ruling procedure legalization are the keypoint of all the tasks .

  21. 新中国成立后的60年,基于党在国家的领导与执政地位,党群关系建设与政治发展具有相当大的耦合区度。

    In the 60 years after new China was founded , party-masses relationship is closely related with political development .

  22. 所以说,增加农民收入是巩固党的执政地位和保持社会科学发展的必由之路。

    So , increasing farmers ' income is a necessary road to consolidate the government and make society keep scientific development .

  23. 只有如此,党的领导核心和执政地位才能得以巩固,社会主义现代化事业才能兴旺发达。

    Only in this way , can the leading position of our party be consolidated and the modernization of socialism modernize flourish .

  24. 解决权力腐败问题是巩固党的执政地位、加强党的执政能力建设的重大课题。

    To solve power corruption is an important project for consolidating the Party 's governing position and strengthening the Party 's governing ability .

  25. 第四部分为从生态政治环境的角度对自民党长达38年的执政地位会如此稳定进行分析判断。

    The fourth part is that to analyze why the ruling of LDP was so steady in 38 years in the view of political environment .

  26. 廉政文化在思想防腐、净化社会风气、巩固党的执政地位等方面有极大现实意义。

    A culture of clean and honest government is of great significance in purifying social conduct and solidifying our Partys position as the ruling party .

  27. 政府的根本目标是维护其执政地位稳定,实现目标的根本途径,在于有效地平衡社会各阶层和团体的利益,使社会均衡稳定发展。

    And the ultimate target of a government is to make society balanced and developed by means of effectively balancing the interests among all levels and groups .

  28. 党的领导体制和工作机制事关党的执政地位和社会主义的前途命运。

    The leading system and working mechanism of the Party concern the position in power of the Party and the destiny and future of the socialist society .

  29. 奥尔默特由于受到腐败指控而在接受警方的调查,这可能威胁到他所领导的中间路线联合政府的执政地位。

    Olmert has become the subject of a police investigation on reported corruption charges , a development that could threaten the survival of his centrist coalition government .

  30. 这就要求我们坚定不移地贯彻落实“三个代表”的要求,要坚定不移地坚持党的领导,巩固党的执政地位;

    All this requires us to enforce resolutely the request of " The Three Representatives " sticking to the leadership of the Party , consolidating its position in power .