
  • 网络implementation intention
  1. 在心理学的语言里,这些步骤叫做执行意图。

    In the language of psychology these steps are called implementation intentions .

  2. 另一项研究也表明:订立执行意图能有效地帮你减少脂肪的摄入。

    Another study found forming implementation intentions can help you reduce your fat intake .

  3. 通过了解行政机关当前的法律解释,也许还有机关的执行意图,当事人可以作出较理想的决定并避免预料不到的责任。

    By learning the agency 's current interpretation of the law and perhaps also its enforcement intentions , she can make better decisions and avoid unexpected liabilities .

  4. 一种差错,在此状态下任何动作所产生的结果都无意义,此时不得不放弃进一步执行的意图。

    An error the renders further execution if any to produce meaningless results .

  5. 遗嘱是一份在遗嘱人死后执行的意图声明。银行没有被指定为是那项财产的遗嘱执行人。

    A will is a declaration of intention that will be carried out after the death of the maker . No bank was named executor of that estate .

  6. 这位前首席执行官意图展示出问题解决者的形象,现在却在党内被指竞选组织混乱。

    The former chief executive , whose message was that he was a problem-solver , now stands accused by some in his own party of running a disorganised campaign .

  7. 每当霍尔德曼刁难我时,我可以肯定他是在执行总统的意图。

    When Haldeman harassed me , I could be sure that it was to carry out some design of the President .

  8. 我们能做的就是祈祷和向他们表示同情,同时努力继续执行教练的意图,争取赢得金牌。

    All you can do is send your prayers and sympathies to the family and try to continue what Hugh would want us to do , and that 's try to win a gold medal .

  9. 但同时,您也确实可以您在的需求和开发工作中开始执行您自己的意图。

    But in the meantime , you surely can get started implementing your own interpretation of these ideas in your requirements and development efforts .