
  • 网络Execution Lawsuit;enforcement suits
  1. “官告民”视角下的行政执行诉讼

    On the administrative execution lawsuit & from the angle of view of " citizen litigating offical "

  2. 基于目前官民争讼的现实考量,建构官告民模式下的行政执行诉讼,以适应司法实践的需要,具有重要意义。

    Considering the law suit between citizens and officers , Administrative execution lawsuit based on the mode of " citizen litigating official " should be constructed to meet the need of judicial practice .

  3. 行政行为执行诉讼研究

    Research on Action for Enforcement of Administrative Act

  4. 执行诉讼的法律思考

    Legal thinking on executive litigation

  5. 它们必须提起执行诉讼并取得法院命令,指示有关当事人按照传票行事。

    They must bring an enforcement action and obtain a court order directing compliance with the subpoena .

  6. 法院作出结论,是否涵盖特定因素这一争议问题不应在传票执行诉讼中争讼;

    The court concluded that the issue of whether the factories were covered should not be litigated in the subpoena enforcement proceeding ;

  7. 在有些情况下,普通法特权和宪法保障防止自证有罪都可能和传票执行诉讼相关。

    In some instances , the common law privileges and the constitutional protection against self-incrimination may both be relevant to a subpoena enforcement action .

  8. 在此执行诉讼中,拒绝披露信息的当事人可呈递其反对传票的意见,法院将据此审查机关诉诸强制程序的合法性。

    In this enforcement action , the party who is resisting disclosure may present her objections to the subpoena , and the court will review the legality of the agency 's use of compulsory process .

  9. 司法系统并不独立并且不执行法定诉讼程序仍是一个严重的问题。

    The judiciary was not independent , and the lack of due process remained a serious problem .

  10. 在这种状态下,法院穷尽各种方法和途径后仍无从实现债权的,应及时终结执行。诉讼标的与诉讼请求关系探析

    In this case , when the court has tried every way but still can not realize the claim , the enforcement should be terminated . The Relationship Between Litigation Object and Litigation Claim

  11. 建立完善的区际司法协助体制成为解决当前司法冲突的重要途径,而民事判决的相互承认和执行作为诉讼程序的归宿,毫疑问成为司法协助的最终目标。

    Establishment of a perfect inter-district legal assistant system becomes the important way to solve current legal conflicts . Mutual acknowledgment and execution of civil verdicts , no doubt , will become the final goal of legal assistance .

  12. 四是加强人民法院自身建设,重视行政审判,提高依法审理和执行行政诉讼案件的能力,加大工作力度,提高司法水平。

    Fourthly , strengthen the self-construction of people 's court , pay more attention on strengthen the administrative trial , improve the trial according to the laws and the ability of carry out the cases of administrative proceedings , increase the working forces , and improve the judicial level .

  13. 5.申请强制执行判决的诉讼当局于是加强执法行动,而大批儿童涌入本港的情况也于一九九七年五月得以遏止。

    Enforcement action was stepped up and the influx subsided in May 1997 .

  14. 刑罚执行是刑事诉讼最后阶段,也是实现公平正义的最后保障。

    But as an activity of the execution of punishment , it is strongly comprehensive .

  15. 我国行政诉讼暂时法律保护制度主要包括诉讼期间对被诉具体行政行为停止执行制度以及诉讼中的财产保全和先予执行制度。

    The temporary legal protection system includes suspending execution of the specific administrative act , property preservation and preliminary execution .

  16. 执行程序是诉讼活动中达到审判目的、取得应有社会效果的重要阶段。

    Executive procedure is an important stage of achieving trial purpose and obtaining social effect in the middle of lawsuit .

  17. 先予执行在行政诉讼中并未引起应有重视,也没有发挥出其应有的价值。

    The prior execution has not been brought to attention as it nor given full play to its value in administrative actions .

  18. 在跨国诉讼领域,一项判决是否能在其它国家得到承认或执行决定了诉讼法院的选择。

    Whether a judgement can be recognized or executed in another country decides the choice of the appellate court ( not sure !) in transnational litigation .

  19. 如果一个法域作出的判决得不到其他法域的承认与执行,其诉讼程序也就失去了实际意义。

    If any judgment made in one legal district cannot be recognized and enforced in any other legal district , the legal proceedings will have no practical significance .

  20. 执行是实行诉讼目的的最终环节,此阶段所体现的程序正义和司法公正不比之前任何一个环节少。

    Implementation is the final part of the implementation of Litigation , this stage of the process embodied justice and justice better than any previous one with fewer links .

  21. 从司法审判方面看,自立案侦查、起诉审判、直到判决执行等全部诉讼活动,又无一不是为了确定和实现犯罪嫌疑人的刑事责任。可以说,刑事责任问题是刑法学研究的核心问题。

    As to judicial trial , all is to clarify criminal responsibility of the suspect , from file for investigation , sue to sentence and implement So the key of criminal responsibility is the research of corporal punishment .

  22. 审前羁押制度是指为了保障侦查、审判和刑罚执行等刑事诉讼活动的顺利进行,而使犯罪嫌疑人在法庭审判之前被司法机关依法暂时限制、剥夺人身自由的一种措施。

    The pretrial detention system is a measure to guarantee the criminal activities such as investigation , trial and execution of punishment , to temporarily confine or deprive the personal freedom of the criminal suspect by the judicial office before the court .

  23. 民事执行作为民事诉讼的最后阶段,是生效民事裁判文书确定之内容实现的保证,民事执行的效果直接关系着当事人的切身利益,并影响着司法的公正和权威。

    Civilian implementation of the final phase of a civil action is to force the content to determine Civil Judgement implemented to ensure the civil implementation of the results is directly related to the vital interests of the parties , and the influence of judicial impartiality and authority .

  24. 德国、意大利等国将强制执行制度纳入民事诉讼法中。

    Germany and Italy bring the enforcement system into civil procedure .

  25. 近年来,针对会计师事务所及执行注册会计师的诉讼案件时有发生,不断缠身的官司和高额的诉讼赔偿费严重影响了审计行业的发展。

    In recent years , litigation cases against accounting firms and CPA occur constantly , and ridden action lawsuits and high compensation have a serious impact on the development audit industry .

  26. 执行程序作为民事诉讼程序的最后阶段,是当事人实现权利的最后环节,是维护司法公正的最后一道防线。

    As the final stage of civil litigation , procedure execution is the last part for the party to realize the right , the last defensive line of guarantying judicial justice as well .

  27. 从民事诉讼的整体结构来看,执行程序是民事诉讼的最后一个环节,其重要性不言而喻。

    From the point of view of our country ` s civil proceeding construction , executive process is at the end of one civil procedure in our country , and its importance is self-evident .

  28. 从司法审判实践方面看,案件自立案侦查开始,历经审查起诉、罪名与刑罚的认定、刑罚执行等整个刑事诉讼活动,也都是围绕解决与实现犯罪行为人刑事责任。

    In the perspective of justice , a criminal case is from the registration and detection to litigation , the identity of accusation and penalty to the execution , which are all around the crime .

  29. 分别对反垄断私人民事诉讼中的原告资格、被告认定范围、诉讼执行模式、团体诉讼程序规则以及激励赔偿制度设立和相应的保障措施等问题进行单独的分析研究。

    On private antitrust civil litigation plaintiff qualification in the scope , procedure , that execution mode , group litigation procedure rules and incentive compensation system is established and the corresponding security measures of individual study .

  30. 国务院金融监管机构依法对出现重大经营风险的金融机构采取接管、托管等措施的,可以向人民法院申请中止以该金融机构为被告或者被执行人的民事诉讼程序或者执行程序。

    When the financial regulatory commissions of State Council have taken custodian or receivership measures against a financial institution , the commissions may submit application to the courts to suspend any lawsuits or enforcement measures against the financial institutions .