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zhǎo tou
  • change;balance;change from money paid
找头 [zhǎo tou]
  • [change from money paid] 找回给付款者的钱,其数为已付款数扣除应付款数后的余额

找头[zhǎo tou]
  1. “您的找头。”——“多谢。”

    ' There 's your change . ' — ' Thanks very much . '

  2. 离开商店时,总得先点清找头。

    Always check your change before you leave the shop .

  3. 找头你留着吧。

    You may keep the balance [ change ] .

  4. 这是10美元。找头你留着吧。

    Here is $ 10 , and keep the change .

  5. 说完便递上找头。

    With these words , he gave them the change .

  6. 这是十镑,找头你可以留着。

    Here 's ten pounds , and you can keep the change .

  7. 他回来了,把找头和食物一起放下。

    He came back and laid the change down with the food .

  8. 只能打这一个电话,如果你还有找头的话。

    Make the call only if you have the change .

  9. 你忘了跟我要找头了。

    You forgot to ask me for the change .

  10. 我马上把找头给您。

    I will have your change in a minute .

  11. 商业的奸诈行为,比如少给顾客找头,是违法的。

    Fraudulent business practices , such as shortchanging customers , are against the law .

  12. 给您收据和找头。

    Here is the receipt and your change .

  13. 不要为给我找头而烦恼,那是微不足道的事情。

    Don 't worry about giving me the change ; it 's small beer anyway .

  14. 你还没有给我找头呢。

    You have not given my change .

  15. 莫里斯把找头交给胡珀。

    Morris handed Hooper his change .

  16. 酒吧招待欺骗了我,在找头中塞给了我一枚外国硬币。

    The barman slipped one over on me and gave me a foreign coin in my change .

  17. 要是你把钱塞进去后停的时间太长,你就拿不回找头了。

    If you put your money in , and you wait too long , you won 't get your change back .

  18. 我用一张10英镑钞票付物款,可营业员搞鬼,仅以5英镑钞票给我找头。

    I paid for the goods with a ten pound note but the shop assistant pulled fast one and only gave me change for a fiver .

  19. 摊主接了钱,双手递过香蕉后,便在小箱子里凑七元六角的找头。

    The owner took the money , handed the bananas to them with both hands and began fumbling for the seven yuan and six jiao change in the small box .