
  • 网络speculative strategy
  1. 作为投机策略的噪声交易:一个交易操纵模型

    Noise Trading as a Speculative Strategy : A Trade-based manipulation Model

  2. 基于角色的协同虚拟环境并发控制投机策略

    Role-based speculative concurrency control scheme for collaborative virtual environment

  3. 第5章研究机构投资的投机交易策略以及投机交易对市场的影响。

    Chapter 5 studies the speculation strategies of institutional investment and the impact that speculation has on the market .

  4. 开放经济下投机攻击的策略分析

    Strategic Analysis on Speculative Attack under the Open Economy

  5. 投机原理与投资策略适用性分析

    Principles of Speculation & Investment Strategies Applicability Analysis