
  • 网络investment channel;Investing Channel
  1. 第三章在第二章基础上又在理论上分析探讨了我国可拓展投资渠道的理论可行性;

    The feasibility of expanding fond investment channel was studied in theory ;

  2. 第三,拓宽投资渠道。

    Third , we should broaden the investment channel .

  3. 中国虽有储蓄盈余(大约相当于2012年gdp的一半),可人们节俭下来的积蓄却缺乏合适的投资渠道。

    China has both a surplus of saving ( almost half of GDP in 2012 ) and a shortage of suitable vehicles for that thrift .

  4. 近年来,BT模式在我国公路工程行业中得到迅速发展,有效的缓解了政府财政压力,也为私人资本提供了投资渠道。

    In recent years , BT mode has been developed rapidly in the industry of highway engineering , has eased financial pressure of government effectively , and provides investment channels for private capital .

  5. 世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)资料显示,中国是全球最大的黄金市场,今年第一季度黄金需求量占到全球总量的四分之一。中国消费者对黄金的旺盛需求受到他们缺少其他投资渠道的推动。

    China is the largest bullion market , accounting for a quarter of demand in the first quarter of this year , according to the World Gold Council , and strong consumer demand for gold has been driven by the lack of other investment options .

  6. 沪港通还为投资者提供了他们在其他地方可以获得的那种几乎匿名的投资渠道。这一点与QFII不同,获准QFII资格意味着投资者会为外界所知,交易决策也会被追踪。

    The Stock Connect also offers investors the sort of virtually anonymous access to China they get elsewhere & unlike QFII , where approvals mean investors are known and their trading decisions tracked .

  7. 为减轻外汇储备所带来的压力,拓宽投资渠道,中国已经引进了QDII(国内机构投资资质)计划,以便于他们向国外投资。

    In a bid to ease foreign reserves and broaden investment channels , China has introduced a QDII ( Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors ) scheme , allowing them to invest overseas .

  8. QDII制度的推行,海外投资渠道的打开已经不可逆转,由此带来的一系列风险,都需要我国加强金融监管予以防范。

    The implementation of QDII system , overseas investment channels open has become irreversible , resulting in a number of risks ; we need to strengthen financial supervision to guard against China .

  9. 项目PPP融资模式在中国公共事业项目管理中的成功应用说明实现投资渠道多元化,特别是吸引国内外民营资本进入公共事业项目化管理领域是加快我国公共事业项目管理发展的必由之路。

    PPP mode 's successful application in Chinese public project management has accounted for realization of multiple investments . And the attraction of domestic and foreign private capital into public project management is especially an obligatory way for the acceleration of Chinese public project management .

  10. 建立新的投资渠道及创新的金融产品。

    Fifth , it creates new investment channels and financial products .

  11. 尼萨尔说,穆斯林的投资渠道非常有限。

    Nisar says there were very limited investment avenues for Muslims .

  12. 因投资渠道狭窄,投资收益率不高;

    Earning yield of insurance 's invest was low in past years .

  13. 二是保险投资渠道相对狭窄;

    Secondly , the investment channels of the fund are relatively restricted ;

  14. 博信为投资者提供广泛的投资渠道。

    Boxinves provides a comprehensive investment vehicle for our investors .

  15. 加大政府投入,拓宽投资渠道,优化利用资源。

    Enlarging government investment , broadening investment channels , and optimizing utilizable resource .

  16. 创新运用模式拓宽投资渠道&保险资金新出路

    Innovating the Application Mode of Insurance Funds and Extending the Channel of Investment

  17. 可以为社会大众资本开辟新的投资渠道;

    Itcan provide a new investment choice for the capital from the public .

  18. 关于二级光谱问题的探讨拓宽林业投资渠道;

    On the secondary spectrum widening the investment approaches ;

  19. 拓宽投资渠道,改善办学物质条件;

    Widen the investigating channels and perfect the material condition of running schools ;

  20. 经济欠发达地区实验室建设投资渠道的构建与分析

    Design and Analysis of Laboratory Building Capital Source in Underdeveloped Regions ' Universities

  21. 拓展投资渠道多元化,增强健身路径的投资力度。

    Diversification of investment channels to expand and enhance investment in fitness path .

  22. 拓宽人力资源投资渠道;

    Widen the investment channel of human resources ;

  23. 至于个人投资者,国家尚未有相应的投资渠道来引导个人进入风险投资领域。

    There is no investment channel to guide individual investment to enter venture capital .

  24. 拓展人力资本投资渠道;

    Broaden the investment channel of human capital ;

  25. 浅析高等教育多元化投资渠道

    Analysis on Multi-channel of Investment for Higher Education

  26. 所有这些为热钱提供了有效的投资渠道。

    All of these things gave the hot money places to be usefully employed .

  27. 开辟多元化投资渠道,为我国经济繁荣服务。

    Develop channels of diversified investment , and serve the economic prosperity in China .

  28. 除了银行存款、股票和房地产,中国人几乎没有其他投资渠道。

    People have virtually nowhere to invest besides bank deposits , stocks and property .

  29. 房地产贷款投资渠道住房抵押后余值贷款

    Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit home equity loan

  30. 针对社会主义市场经济体制下,投资渠道多样化、投资主体多元化。

    Focusing on diverse investment channels and pluralistic investment subjects in socialist market economic system .