
bào guān fèi
  • customs charges;customs clearance fee;customs clearing fee;customs clearing charges [fee]
  1. 本产品厂家直供,运费买家承担,具体运输费用参照邮局运费标准!出口需报关费!

    Originally , the product manufacturer provides straightly , the freight buyer bears , concrete transportation cost consults the post office freight standard ! Need the customs clearing charges outlet !

  2. 我们最终的报价为两块,此价钱包括商检报关费,但不包括配额费。

    Our final quotation is2 Yuan , which includes the customs clearing fee of commodity inspection , not quota fee .

  3. 所有涉及因货物置换产生的运费和报关费都由卖方承担。

    All transportation and customs charges related to the replacement of goods are borne by the Seller .

  4. 拍卖所得用于支付报关费、仓储费和其他所有费用。

    Proceeds of the sale used to pay customs fees , storage charges and all other costs .

  5. 仅仅看到一笔海洋运费与报关费是抱了芝麻,丢了西瓜!

    Only looking at Ocean Freight and Clearance Fee on Import charges , it is the same as holding the sesame .

  6. 本公司热诚期待与贵厂家合作,报关费因各报关口岸及商品种类不同双方可作协商。

    The Company and look forward to your enthusiasm manufacturers in the declaration charges for the ports and customs of different types of goods both for consultations .

  7. 收取的报关费是用作资助香港贸易发展局的运作经费,而制衣业训练徵款则是代表制衣业训练局。

    Declaration charge is collected to subsidize the operation of Hong Kong Trade Development Council while clothing industry training levy is collected on behalf of clothing industry training authority .