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dǐ dǎng
  • resist;withstand;ward off;keep out;check
抵挡 [dǐ dǎng]
  • (1) [keep out;check]∶阻止向前

  • 抵挡风寒

  • 匈奴军队已被抵挡住

  • (2) [ward off;withstand]∶挡住压力

  • 能抵挡住步兵的长期围攻

抵挡[dǐ dǎng]
  1. 所有的竹帘都放下来,抵挡毒热的阳光。

    Every bamboo blind was drown to keep out the relentless sun .

  2. 米歇尔称,这场运动旨在鼓励人们选择更为健康的生活方式,并坦称自己也抵挡不住垃圾食品的诱惑。

    Michal declared that this movement encourage people choose the healthier lifestyle and said that she herself can not keep out the temptation .

  3. 她过后说起时会形容他的魅力难以抵挡。

    Later , she would describe his magnetism as irresistible .

  4. 他抬起手来抵挡那一拳。

    He raised his hand to fend off the blow .

  5. 女人抵挡不住他那轮廓分明的脸庞的诱惑。

    Women find his chiselled features irresistible .

  6. 1987至1990年间,施特菲·格拉芙基本上抵挡住了纳芙拉蒂洛娃对其冠军地位的挑战。

    Between 1987 and 1990 , Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova 's challenge for the crown .

  7. 他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。

    Unable to resist the siren call of the cards , he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas

  8. 水坝不够坚固,抵挡不住洪水。

    The dam was not strong enough to hold the floodwaters .

  9. 他当时很年轻,抵挡不住巴黎的诱惑。

    He was very young and seduced by Paris .

  10. 除非学生能够抵挡住社交网络、短信以及无休止地浏览网页的吸引力,否则他们将继续在课上苦苦挣扎。

    Until students are able to resist the pull of social networking , texting , and endlessly surfing the web , they may continue to struggle in their classes .

  11. 模特们吃面纸或棉球来抵挡饥饿,模特们因饥饿引起的心脏病发作,仅在他们离开T台后的几秒钟。

    Models eating tissues or cotton balls to hold off hunger , and models collapsing from hunger-induced heart attacks just seconds after they step off the runway .

  12. Internet的飞速发展和信息家电以及后PC时代概念的提出,使得信息终端的多元化已经成为不可抵挡的趋势。

    With the bursting of Internet and the new concepts of information consumer electronics and post-pc era , the diversifying of information terminals has become inevitable .

  13. 在另一集里,菲比和蕾切尔(Rachel)决定学习防身术来抵挡罪犯。

    At another point , Phoebe and Rachel decide they need to learn self-defense to ward off predators .

  14. 战术成功不再是做出一些花哨的拉线,直到你设计出一个阵型是AI难以抵挡的。

    Tactical success is no longer going to be about drawing a plethora of arrows until you find a system the AI can 't cope with .

  15. 氮化硅不仅具有折射率高、膜致密、能抵挡水汽和外来杂质对电池的破坏等优点,而且沉积过程中产生的H等离子体可以对电池发射极进行二次钝化降低界面复合率。

    Silicon nitride has high refractive index and can keep the solar cell from destruction of water vapor and impurity . The hydrogen plasma can passivate emission layer during deposition and lower interface recombination rate .

  16. 欧盟银行管理局(EuropeanBankingAuthority,简称EBA)计划于7月中旬发布测试结果。此次测试将评估90家银行,看看它们是否拥有足够的资本来抵挡经济和房地产业的下滑。

    The European Banking Authority plans in mid-July to release results for the tests , which will assess whether 90 banks have enough capital to survive an economic and housing downturn .

  17. 毕竟,fsa因未能对银行奖金采取更严格的措施而遭到了批评,而且正奋力抵挡由英国央行(bankofengland)将其接管的建议。

    The FSA , after all , has faced criticism for failing to get tougher on bank bonuses and it is fending off proposals to put it under the Bank of England .

  18. VMwareAirwatch的副总裁兼董事总经理伊恩•埃文斯(IanEvans)称,很难抵挡那些技术含量最高的攻击。

    Defending against the most serious attacks is difficult , says Ian Evans , a vice-president and managing director at VMware Airwatch .

  19. 我们可能希望约束自己、迫使自己表现得更好,就像奥德修斯(Odysseus)让人把自己捆在桅杆上(以抵挡海妖歌声的诱惑)那样。

    We may wish to bind ourselves to better behaviour , like Odysseus to his mast .

  20. 在雄心勃勃力图改变CME文化的过程中,加林抵挡住了引入西方管理人员的诱惑。

    In his ambitious attempt to change the culture of CME Mr Garin resisted the temptation to change the people and bring in western executives .

  21. 面对加入WTO对我国金融业的挑战,混业经营在我国也将成为一种不可抵挡的经营模式,从法律上构建银行业混业经营制度成为一个重要的时代命题。

    In China , mixed operation will also be able to become a business model to face the financial challenges of entering WTO . From the legal point , building mixed business banking system also becomes an important topic of the times .

  22. 但分析师们表示,微软围绕windows建立的堡垒,很可能在相当长时间内抵挡住谷歌的这种攻击,使这家软件公司在以互联网为中心,重塑自身技术之际,获得一定的回旋余地。

    But the fortress that Microsoft has built around windows is likely to withstand this attack for some time to come , giving the software company room for manoeuvre as it tries to reshape its own technology around the Internet , analysts said .

  23. 拿破仑三世的妻子Eugenie皇后是当时首个羊毛披肩的爱好者,因为羊毛披肩不会掩盖Worth给她设计的华丽长礼服,又能帮助她抵挡寒冷。

    Empress Eugenie , the wife of Napoleon III was among the first to favour shawls to protect her against chill , without obscuring the beauty of the gowns designed for her by Worth .

  24. 作为过去二十五年来的常胜将军、福特的F系列皮卡一直成功地抵挡住了雪佛兰重新设计的西尔维拉多(Silverado)的挑战,盘踞着美国最畅销皮卡的宝座。

    Ford 's F-series pickup , the reigning champion for the last quarter-century , held off a strong challenge from Chevrolet 's redesigned Silverado to remain the nation 's No. 1 selling vehicle .

  25. 座套、地毯、窗帘和分割帘由特殊的阻燃材料做成,甚至能抵挡锂离子电池引发的火情。据信息网站BatteryUniversity.com的运营工程师伊西多•布克曼(IsidorBuchmann)称,这种材料在周围温度达到1000华氏度(约合538摄氏度)时会燃烧。

    Seat covers , carpets , curtains and dividers are made of special materials that are flame retardant , even against a lithium-ion battery fire , which burns in the neighborhood of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit , according to Isidor Buchmann , an engineer who runs the informational site BatteryUniversity.com .

  26. 记得,可是我只是不能抵挡诱惑。

    Yes , but I just can 't resist the temptation .

  27. 她拦网抵挡扣过来的球。这就挡住了末经授权人员的入网。

    She blocked that spike . This keeps out unauthorised people .

  28. 因为我们无法抵挡这,让我们去享受吧。

    Since we cannot resist this , let 's enjoy it .

  29. 我城堡的墙可抵挡不了寒冬。

    The walls of my Holdfast will not stand the winter .

  30. 在大选之年,奥巴马能抵挡住故伎重施的诱惑么?

    Can Mr Obama resist repeating it in an election year ?