- 网络Minister in Charge;Minister of State

Monday 's share price declines came after Akira Amari , economy minister , disclosed on Friday that Mr Abe had instructed the telecommunications minister to study lowering mobile phone fees .
Former Prime Minister Taro Aso takes the posts of vice prime minister , financial minister and financial services minister .
Tokyo 2020 president Seiko Hashimoto said at a news conference on Friday that organisers were not considering cancelling the event .
Last year , the country 's Minister for Reconstruction Ryu Matsumoto was forced to resign after only a week in office , after a bad-tempered encounter with local officials was televised .
The appointment of Mr Kan , formerly state minister for national strategy , and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama , comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit .
Forced to quit after barely a week as Japan 's reconstruction minister for remarks deemed offensive to victims of the March earthquake and tsunami , Ryu Matsumoto had an unusual explanation for his behavior & his blood type .
She confirmed the subject of fans was a key part of the talks with Bach , the International Paralympic committee president , Andrew Parsons , the Tokyo governor , Yuriko Koike , and the Olympic minister , Tamayo Marukawa .
In his previous incarnation as chancellor , he pushed the tax rate for oil and gas firms to50 % , far higher than the28 % other companies pay .