
  • 网络Minister in Charge;Minister of State
  1. 上周五,日本负责经济财政政策的内阁府特命担当大臣甘利明(AkiraAmari)透露,安倍已指示负责电信的大臣研究降低手机通话费率。

    Monday 's share price declines came after Akira Amari , economy minister , disclosed on Friday that Mr Abe had instructed the telecommunications minister to study lowering mobile phone fees .

  2. 前首相麻生太郎出任副首相兼财务大臣和金融担当大臣。

    Former Prime Minister Taro Aso takes the posts of vice prime minister , financial minister and financial services minister .

  3. 2020东京奥运担当大臣桥本圣子上周五在一次新闻发布会上表示,组委会不考虑取消奥运会。

    Tokyo 2020 president Seiko Hashimoto said at a news conference on Friday that organisers were not considering cancelling the event .

  4. 去年,日本复兴担当大臣松本龙由于脾气暴躁而与日本地方官员发生冲突,该事件被电视报道后,上任仅一周的松本龙就被迫辞职。

    Last year , the country 's Minister for Reconstruction Ryu Matsumoto was forced to resign after only a week in office , after a bad-tempered encounter with local officials was televised .

  5. 在藤井裕久表示希望辞职的第二天,前国家战略担当大臣、鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友菅直人就被任命为财务大臣。

    The appointment of Mr Kan , formerly state minister for national strategy , and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama , comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit .

  6. 由于失言冒犯日本三月地震和海啸灾民,日本复兴担当大臣松本龙上任仅一周时间就被迫辞职。但他给自己的过失找了一个不同寻常的借口&都是血型惹的祸。

    Forced to quit after barely a week as Japan 's reconstruction minister for remarks deemed offensive to victims of the March earthquake and tsunami , Ryu Matsumoto had an unusual explanation for his behavior & his blood type .

  7. 桥本圣子证实,外国粉丝问题是和巴赫、国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯、东京都知事小池百合子以及奥运担当大臣丸川珠代会谈的一个关键内容。

    She confirmed the subject of fans was a key part of the talks with Bach , the International Paralympic committee president , Andrew Parsons , the Tokyo governor , Yuriko Koike , and the Olympic minister , Tamayo Marukawa .

  8. 在担当财政大臣期间,布朗曾把油气公司交纳的税率提高到50%,远远高于其他公司交纳28%的标准。

    In his previous incarnation as chancellor , he pushed the tax rate for oil and gas firms to50 % , far higher than the28 % other companies pay .