
  1. 香港全球赛奇公司(globalsage)的创始人约翰怀特(johnwright)称,目前的招聘环境是他见过最恶劣的。

    John Wright , founder of global sage in Hong Kong , said it was the worst hiring environment he had seen .

  2. 一方面,雇主和他们的人力资源经理们应该意识到,一个良好的招聘环境实际上有利于他们自己的机构发展。

    For one thing , employers and their HR need to realize that a just hiring process , in fact , benefits the performance of their organization .

  3. 令招聘环境更加严苛的是,意欲进军全球市场的中国公司在越来越多地与努力在华扩大业务的主要西方公司争夺人才。

    Making the environment even tougher , Chinese companies with global ambitions increasingly are looking for the same kind of people as those sought by major Western companies trying to expand in China .

  4. 推动私营部门创造就业以及培育鼓励企业招聘的大环境十分重要,而我也将继续努力确保这一切的实现。

    Jumpstarting job creation in the private sector and fostering a climate that encourages businesses to hire again is vitally important – and I 'll continue working hard to make sure that happens .