
  • 网络Fishing techniques;Teknologi perikanan tangkapan;halieutics
  1. 一个原因是今天的捕鱼技术已经大大改善。

    One reason for this is that fishing technology has improved .

  2. 猎人专家不会说他有专门的捕鱼技术。

    The hunting expert will not claim fishing expertise .

  3. 我们很得他的欢心,同时我的捕鱼技术也很高明。

    We made him very merry , and I proved very dexterous in catching fish .

  4. 尽管小规模渔业对厄立特里亚的重要程度逐渐增加,但这些渔民难以获得现代化的捕鱼技术、捕鱼设施、渔业市场以及渔业信贷的支持。

    Also although this Small-scale fishery is increasingly important to the country , yet they struggle with access to modernized fishing technology , infrastructure , markets , and credit .

  5. 我们从此就经常坐这只长舢舨出海捕鱼。因为我捕鱼技术高明,所以每次出去他总是带着我。

    We went frequently out with this boat a fishing , and as I was most dextrous to catch fish for him , he never went without me .