
sǔn shī ɡài lǜ
  • probability of ruin
  1. 理论上推测ErlangB公式对服务时间为任意分布的M/G/C/C系统的呼叫损失概率是有效的但缺乏严格证明。

    The formula of Erlang B is inferred to hold for any M / G / C / C system with general service time distribution , but rigorous proof is absent .

  2. 结果表明在清除阻塞机制下,Kaufman递推公式可以推广到服务时间为Pareto分布的自相似性综合业务排队系统以计算呼叫损失概率。

    The experiment results demonstrate that the formula of Kaufman is still valid when the system is governed by the mechanism of blocked-customer-cleared and the service time obeys a Pareto distribution .

  3. 并且,从损失概率和期望损失两个角度,基于认知风险度量揭示了ISC牛鞭效应的作用机理。

    Then , it forms the ISC demand equilibrium model with the overconfidence mentality , which reveals operation mechanism of ISC bullwhip effect with loss probability and prospect loss based on perceived risk measurement .

  4. 通过将M/P(areto)/1/K过程拟合为M/PH/1/K过程,获得了呼叫损失概率、平均排队队长等排队性能的近似解析解。

    Through the method that the M / P ( areto ) / 1 / K is simplified by M / PH / 1 / K , the asymptotic analyses of the queue performance including call blocking and average queue length is derived .

  5. 该模型可以给出组合整体违约损失概率分布的一个半解析表达式,其最大优点是方便和迅捷。

    The model can give a semi-formula of loss distribution .

  6. 地震损失概率预测研究中的地震危险性分析方法探讨

    A Method of Seismic Hazard Analysis for Researches on Probabilistic Prediction of Earthquake Losses

  7. 基于混沌优化神经网络的洪灾损失概率分析

    Analysis of Probability of Flood Loss Based on Neural Network Optimized by Chaos Algorithm

  8. 损失概率的等概性检验

    Equal Probabilistic Test of Loss Probability

  9. 实证结果表明,不管利率下降还是上升,都会提高损失概率,即增加了偿付能力不足的可能性。

    In spite of ascending and descending of interest rate , losing probability will increase and possibility of insolvency will increase , too .

  10. 将投保人分为投保大户与非大户,认为投保大户能够准确预知自身损失概率,而产险公司却无法知道投保大户损失概率的真值。

    We define big insured in a way that can foresee the exact lost probability of its own , which is unknown to property insurer .

  11. 本文设置了五种利率波动情景和四种资产结构,通过实证来分析这二十种情况的期望盈余和损失概率。

    Set five scenes of fluctuation of interest rate and four strategies of adjustment of assets ' structure , and demonstrate their expecting surplus and losing probability .

  12. 而资产结构的调整策略方面,随着银行存款比重逐渐降低以及债券和投资基金比重提高,期望盈余增加的同时也提高了损失概率。

    On the other hand , with the proportion of bank deposits fall and of bonds and investing funds advance , expecting surplus increases and losing probability decreases .

  13. 并且设计出计算稳态队长概率和损失概率的递推算法,从而获得了系统重要的稳态性能指标。

    Furthermore , the recursive method to compute the stationary queue length probability and the loss probability is developed , and the important stationary indices in the system are obtained .

  14. 本文通过分析中房上海住宅价格指数的历史数据,结合市场的特征,衡量了反抵押贷款目前情况下从事反抵押贷款,不同期限、不同贷款价值比例、不同住房类型的损失概率。

    This paper analyzed the historic data of CREIS , measure the loss probability of different term , different loan-to-value ration , different house type according to the past Chinese house price trend .

  15. 在一般的分析中,我们总是假定投保人的风险状况是外生的,投保人的行为不改变风险状况(损失概率)。

    In general analysis , we always suppose that the risk of the insured 's to be exogenous and the behaviors of the insured 's don 't change his risk ( loss probability ) .

  16. 但是,国际保险市场中各种类型的保险欺诈使得保险商品的价格每年要增加10%左右的事实表明,投保人(或被保险人)的行为导致风险(损失概率)内生化。

    However , the fact that all kinds of insurance cheating increase the insurance commodity price by 10 percent every year in the international insurance market shows that the behaviors of the insured make his risk ( loss probability ) endogenous .

  17. 然后依据Top-down模型与跳跃模型之间的关系并基于实证分析的结果给出了资产违约损失的概率分布情况。

    Then based on the relationship between the Top-down model and the jump process , we finally obtain the distribution of the default loss of the asset pool .

  18. 本文给出了±500kV葛&上试验线路实测的线路电晕损失及其概率分布曲线。

    The corona loss measured on " Gezhouba-Shanghai " ± 500kV HVDC test line and its probabilistic cuves are presented in this paper .

  19. 生活(英文)人口损失的概率预测模型

    Probabilistic Prediction Model of Life Loss

  20. 该矩阵将可应用在地震灾害生命损失的概率预测研究中。

    The matrixes would be applied to the researches on probabilistic prediction of casualty from future earthquakes .

  21. 第二,以全概率公式为基础,建立了未来地震损失的概率预测模型;

    Secondly , grounded on total probability formula , probability prediction model of future earthquake loss is constructed .

  22. 只有控制好风险,将损失的概率降到最低,担保公司才能生存发展。

    Controlling the risks considerably and minimizing the probability of losses , the investment and guarantee companies can survive and develop gradually .

  23. 模型给出了被保险人风险损失的概率分布与保险人所提供的保险费率之间的关系。

    This model describes the relationship of probability distribution of risk loss of the insured and the premium rates of the insured .

  24. 但价值投资者将风险视为潜在的可能损失的概率和金额,据此而言β对于他们来说是可笑的。

    But value investors , who are inclined to think about risk as the probability and amount of potential loss , find such reasoning absurd .

  25. 在大损失小概率情况下,给出了两个尾部逼近模型:多状态齐次单因子逼近模型和多状态鞍点逼近模型,并进行了数值模拟。

    Two tail approximation models , the multistate homogeneous single factor approximation model and the saddle point approximation model , have been proposed based on large losses with small probability . The proposed models are tested by simulation .

  26. 信贷项目安全度分析及资金损失的模糊概率预测

    Security Analysis on loan and Fuzzy Probability Forecast of Capital Loss

  27. 以死亡度为人口损失标志的概率预测模型

    Probabilistic prediction model of life loss described by dead degree

  28. 震害经济损失的全概率预测

    Total probability forecasting method for economic loss of seismic damage

  29. 同时还对经济损失的全概率模型和动态修正模型进行一番阐述。

    Meantime , the total probability model and dynamic correct model are introduced .

  30. 将收集到的数据代入模型,运行网络模型得出损失分布的概率范围。

    I put the result of data to the model , run the model getting the range of lose distribution .