
jiē xiàn bǎn
  • terminal block;terminal plate;patch board;connection box
接线板[jiē xiàn bǎn]
  1. 我们用的灯很多,因此需要4个接线板。

    We used so many lights that we needed four extension cords .

  2. 我看到某家商店中展出了一个破损的Powertrack接线板,当我拔掉插头时,胶皮无法复位。

    I saw one worn-out display Powertrack in a shop ; the rubber flaps didn 't snap back into place when I removed a plug .

  3. 如果不知道Eubiq接线板是做什么用的,你可能会以为它是家具的一部分,从某种意义上讲,也确实如此。

    If you didn 't know what the Eubiq strip was for you 'd be forgiven for thinking it was part of the furniture , and in a sense it is .

  4. 但其核心是Powertrack电源接线板,它表面是一个不到两厘米宽的沟槽,外面用两片胶皮封闭。

    But at its core is a power strip called the Powertrack with a single trench less than two centimeters wide , concealed by two rubber flaps .

  5. 他将Eubiq接线板嵌入餐厅的地板里,这不但解决了电源问题,而且方便他根据网吧布局和活动安排而移动桌椅。

    The Eubiq tracks he 's put into the floor of his restaurant not only solve his power problem , they also allow him to move tables and chairs depending on layout or events .

  6. 短网铜管与软缆接线板的浇铸熔焊

    Cast Welding of Short-Net Copper Pipe and Soft-Cable Connection Board

  7. 一种抑制电源线回路干扰接线板的设计分析

    Analysis and Design of A Patch Board Suppressing Loop Interferences in Power Lines

  8. 预接线板接线柱,在电线上标记相关的仪器编号。

    Pre-wire panel wiring to terminals , tag wires with associated instrument tag number .

  9. 类别5模块式48端口接线板

    1100 Category 5 Modular Patch Panel 48-port

  10. 电石炉短网铜管与软缆接线板连接方式的研究管子与管板氩弧焊接

    Study of Connection Methodology of Terminal Block between Short Net Copper Pipe and Soft Cable for Calcium Carbide Furnace

  11. 通过接线板接通电源、定时器及分挡开关。

    A power supply , the timer and the gear dividing switch are switched on by the circuit board .

  12. 通过改变接线板上的连线或改变接线板本身,程序可以被改变。

    To change the program , the wiring pattern on the patchboard or the patchboard , itself , must be changed .

  13. 汽轮发电机定子测温接线板上接线柱品目的识别网络终端上位机程序;

    The Distinguishing Method of Two Kinds of Terminal Posts on the Temperature Measuring Terminal Board of the Turbogenerator Stator network terminal programmer ;

  14. 这种接线板可以贴墙面或桌面放置,或嵌到会议桌的桌面里。

    These strips can run along the wall , or along the tops of desks , or sink into the surface of a conference table .

  15. 也能够接收服务器发出的控制指令,通过机柜监控器内部的受控接线板,对出现故障的负载及时做出断电处理。

    Server can also receive control commands through the monitor cabinet controlled internal wiring board , the load on the failure to make timely processing power .

  16. 在多房间和长距离的安装过程中,音频设备往往需要通过矩阵交换、分布式放大器和接线板连接在一起。

    Each audio track is connected with an audio cable , the audio equipment is often connected through matrix switching , distributed amplifiers and patch panels .

  17. 接线板被设计成操作台面或桌面的一部分,还可以包含通信电缆,接线板表面也可以选用从红木到钛合金等各种材料。

    The strips are designed to be part of the paneling or table top , and can also house communication cables and sport finishes from mahogany to titanium .

  18. 油纸电容式穿墙套管分为立式和卧式两种,均为全密封结构,主要由油枕、瓷套、电容芯子、连接套筒、接线板等零部件组成。

    Oilpaper capacity type wall bushing can be divided into two types of vertical and horizontal , which is totally sealed and covered with major components such as oil pillow , porcelain bushing , capacity core , connection sleeve and wiring board .

  19. 介绍在短网铜管与软缆接线板之间一种新型连接技术&浇铸熔焊技术,在与圆锥面接触连接方式作了比较后,用实例佐证采用浇铸熔焊连接技术的优越性。

    Introduces the new type connecting technology , pouring welding technology for connecting between short net copper pipe and soft cable , after compared with the contact connecting method to the circular conical surface . The author demonstrates by evidences the advantages of pouring fusion welding connecting technology .

  20. 系统由嵌入式工业控制计算机、AI/AO模块、DIO模块、继电器输出端子板、信号调理和接线端子板等组成。

    The system is composed of embedded control computer , AI / AO modules , DIO modules , relay output terminal board , terminal board signal conditioning and so on .

  21. 接线端子板的电缆连接方式,便于电缆的迅速装配和更换

    Terminal Board cable connection for quick replacement of the cap / cable assembly

  22. 所有导体接头都应该连接在接线端子板上,并采用环氧树脂永久密封在电缆进入区。

    All conductor leads shall terminate at a terminal board that is permanently cast into the epoxy-sealed cable entry area .

  23. 昌河福瑞达中央电气接线盒电路板的设计

    Design of PCB in Central Electric Junction Box on CHANGHE Vehicles