首页 / 词典 / good

  • stir;mix;disturb;annoy
  • 扰乱:~乱。~哄。~闹。~扰。

  • 拌:~拌。~匀。~动。~浑。


(搅拌) stir; mix:

  • 把粥搅一搅

    give the porridge a stir;

  • 你把这两种配料搅匀了吗?

    Have you mixed those two ingredients well together?

  • 她用汤匙搅咖啡。

    She stirred her coffee with a spoon.


(扰乱; 搅扰) disturb; annoy:

  • 她在工作, 别搅她。

    She's working. Don't disturb her.

  1. 把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。

    Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens .

  2. 把牛奶搅进去,和成软而不黏的面团。

    Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough .

  3. 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。

    Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes .

  4. 喝醉了的球迷行为不轨,把比赛给搅了。

    The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans .

  5. 搅打奶油和糖直到松软为止。

    Beat the butter and sugar until soft and fluffy .

  6. 把蛋清搅成硬尖状。

    Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks .

  7. 你把米饭搅一搅好吗?

    Could you give the rice a stir ?

  8. 端上加了搅打奶油的馅饼。

    Serve the pie with whipped cream .

  9. 别让她搅得你心烦。

    Don 't let her upset you .

  10. 不停地搅拌沙司,直到搅稠为止。

    Stir until the sauce has thickened .

  11. 把蛋白搅打稠。

    Whisk the egg whites until stiff .

  12. 把黄油和糖搅成糊状。

    Cream the butter and sugar together .

  13. 把鸡蛋和白糖混在一起搅打至开始变稠。

    Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken .

  14. 那些歌声搅得我无法入睡。

    I can 't get to sleep with all that singing .

  15. 贝林厄姆太太正在那里将糖搅进茶里。

    There was Mrs Bellingham , stirring sugar into her tea

  16. 从冰里把碗取出,搅入奶油。

    Remove the bowl from the ice and stir in the cream .

  17. 把蛋清搅至起沫而不黏稠的程度。

    Whisk the egg whites until they are foamy but not stiff .

  18. 那件事真把他们搅得天翻地覆,男孩子们尤受其害。

    That really messed them up , especially the boys .

  19. 一大群不受欢迎的陌生人不请自来,搅了她的聚会。

    A large group of undesirable strangers crashed her party .

  20. 把鸡蛋打到一个浅碗中,轻轻搅打。

    Break the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat them lightly .

  21. 不要搅,否则糖会结晶。

    Don 't stir or the sugar will crystallise .

  22. 渡船搅起豪湾的海水,从兰代尔驶向霍斯舒湾。

    Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay .

  23. 我的茶我自己会搅,谢谢。

    I can stir my own tea , thank you

  24. 往蛋奶沙司粉里加入一点儿牛奶,搅成糊糊。

    Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste .

  25. 把鸡蛋、油和蜂蜜搅打在一起。

    Whip the eggs , oils and honey together .

  26. 我的睡梦被隔壁极为恼人的吵闹声给搅了。

    My dream was interrupted by the most awful racket coming through the walls

  27. 将奶油搅打到混合物中,使其乳化。

    Whisk the cream into the mixture to emulsify it

  28. 一直搅打,直至生面团略有弹性。

    Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic .

  29. 他们最近真是让人气不打一处来,闹得天翻地覆,搅得每个人都不得安宁。

    They 've really been kicking ass lately — busting places up , harassing everybody

  30. 你不能把工作和娱乐搅在一起。

    You can 't mix business with pleasure .