
shōu rù fēn pèi
  • income distribution;distribution of income
  1. 但每个国家内收入分配则是不平衡的。

    But within each country the distribution of income was skewed .

  2. 恶化了收入分配的格局;

    It worsens the present pattern of the distribution of income ;

  3. 通货膨胀被认为是有害的,因为它会对收入分配产生不利影响。

    Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution

  4. 外卖平台要建立以工作任务、劳动强度相匹配的收入分配机制,劳动者的劳动报酬不低于当地最低工资标准。

    Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work . The food delivery workers ' income should not be less than the locality 's lowest wage standard .

  5. 我们还发现对外贸易和FDI对收入分配的影响不同。

    It is also found that trade openness and FDI have differential distributional effects .

  6. 第四章则从实证的角度来分析FDI对我国城乡居民收入分配的影响。

    In chapter four the author analyzed the influence of FDI to our rural-urban income gap .

  7. 采用Gini系数和Lorenz曲线评价收入分配的公平性;集中指数、集中曲线、利用/需要比等指标描述卫生服务的公平性。

    We used Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve to assess the equity of income and distribution , and used concentration index , concentration curve and ratio of utilization and need to describe the equity of health service .

  8. Kaldor(1961)认为,要素收入分配比重保持不变被认为是一个典型化事实。

    Kaldor ( 1961 ) believes that the elements remain the same proportion of the income distribution is considered to be a " Stylized Facts " .

  9. 就业、收入分配、社会保障与国家经济安全

    Employment , Income Distribution , Social Security and National Economic Safety

  10. 对缩小城乡收入分配差距的思考

    Thoughts on Narrowing Income Distribution Gap between Urban and Rural Households

  11. 我国市场化改革与城镇居民收入分配

    China 's Market Transition and the Income Distribution in Urban Residents

  12. 转型与发展对收入分配的必然要求:效率优先兼顾公平&兼议范恒山效率与公平并重的主张

    The Inevitable Requirements of System Transformation and Development of Income Distribution

  13. 国有企业收入分配制度改进问题研究

    The Research on the Improvement of State-Owned Enterprise Income Distribution System

  14. 中国个人收入分配问题研究

    A Research into the Issue of Personal Income Distribution in China

  15. 瑶族家庭收入分配研究

    The Home The Study of Yao Nationality 's Domestic Income Distribution

  16. 论我国的收入分配、金融资产增长与消费需求变动

    On China 's Income Distribution , Financial Assets Growth and Consumption

  17. 上海社会收入分配的状况及其改善

    The Present Situation and Improvement of Social Income Distribution in Shanghai

  18. 人力资本产权与收入分配制度创新

    Property Right of Human Capital and Institutional Innovation of Income Distribution

  19. 论我国税收调控个人收入分配

    On Our Country s Tax Regulation of Personal income Distribution

  20. 收入分配与金融发展&理论分析及借鉴意义

    Revenue Distribution and Finance Development & A Theoretical Analysis and Reference Significance

  21. 正确运用洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数调节收入分配

    Correct Applying Lorenz Curve and Gini coefficient to Regulate Income and Distribution

  22. 资源配置;收入分配;交易费用;制度安排。

    Resource Allocation ; Income Distribution ; Transaction Cost ; Institutional Arrangement .

  23. 民意测验显示人们对收入分配、经济流动给予了空前的关注。

    Opinion polls show unprecedented concerns about income distribution and economic mobility .

  24. 收入分配与经济萧条:霍布森的人本思想

    Income Allocation and Economic Depression : Hobson 's Humanitarian Thought

  25. 新经济形势下收入分配统计问题研究

    Research on the Statistical Issues of Income Distribution in New Economic Situation

  26. 我国公立医疗机构职工收入分配制度研究概述

    Project Summary of Study on Wage System of Public Hospitals in China

  27. 企业年金的收入分配效应探析

    Probe into and Analyze the Effect of Income Distribution about Employer Annuity

  28. 组织融知渠道研究论知识经济的收入分配制度

    Study on knowledge acquisition approach On the Distribution System in Knowledge Economy

  29. 财政教育支出政策与收入分配

    The Policies of Fiscal Expenditure for Education and Income Distribution

  30. 试论当前收入分配秩序混乱状况及其对策

    The Chaotic Situation of Income distribution and the Solutions to the Problem