
shōu fèi yuán
  • toll collector;tollman;tollgatherer
  1. 此外,收费员排班是一个整数规划问题,而整数规划属于典型的NP难解问题,本文采用了基于遗传规划的整数线性规划问题求解方法来解决收费员排班问题。

    In addition , the job scheduling of toll collector is an integer programming problem , and integer programming is a kind of typical NP hard problem which is solved usually by genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

  2. 基于流量预测的高速公路收费员动态配置模型

    Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Expressway Toll Collector Based on Traffic Flow Prediction

  3. 本文采用UML用例图描述系统的需求,并通过创建顺序图描述收费员登陆、用户缴费、用户业务办理及财务人员报表查询的场景。

    UML use case diagram is introduced to describes the system requirements , and by creating a sequence diagram describes the toll landing , user fees , user service and financial staff report query for the scene .

  4. 桑儿把大钞票递给收费员,等人家补零钱。

    Sonny handed the toll taker the dollar bill and waited for his change .

  5. 在信任缺失的情况下,中介扮演的角色不过是收费员而已。

    In the absence of trust , intermediaries become no more than toll collectors .

  6. 那个收费员仍然不见影子。

    The toll collector still had not appeared .

  7. 对收费员排班问题的求解表明,基于遗传规划的整数线性规划问题求解方法是有效的,本例中遗传规划的求解结果就优于遗传算法的结果。

    The solution result of the toll collector job scheduling problem shows that the integer linear programming method based on GP is effective and the solution result of the example in this paper is better than GA method .

  8. 你可以是一名销售,或收费员,但如果你把你的目标看成是帮人解决问题,那么每天都会有100个机会帮助他人改善生活,而且你的满足感会大幅提升。

    You can be a salesperson , or a toll collector , but if you see your goal as solving people 's problems , then each day presents 100 opportunities to improve someone 's life , and your satisfaction increases dramatically .

  9. 人工抄表费时费力,且准确性差,给用电管理带来很大困难。而对于电费缴纳,也仅限于收费员登门收取和固定网点缴费。

    Manual meter reading is time and labor-consuming , and the poor accuracy has caused great difficulties in management of power consumption , so as charging for power is limited to charge by calling at home collecting or fixed net to pay the fee .

  10. 需求分析部分分别从系统管理员、挂号员、门诊收费员和住院收费员四个角色的业务用例进行建模分析,并且对诸如门诊收费、出院结算和发票管理等主要业务进行了行为建模分析。

    The part of demand analysis modeling and analysis business use case from four roles which the system administrator , registrar , outpatient charger and hospital charger . And modeling and analysis the main business , such as outpatient charges , hospital billing and invoice management .

  11. 智妍是高速公路收费站的收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。

    Ji-yeon , a tollgate ticket girl , is frightened by a mysterious black car , which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight .

  12. 在公共运输中收费的人员。那个收费员仍然不见影子。

    The person who collects fares on a public conveyance . The toll collector still had not appeared .

  13. 基于目前北方的供暖企业正逐步实现分户供暖的现状和需求,文章设计并实现了可以进行灵活收费并根据收费情况对收费员按月计提奖金的管理信息系统。

    Base on the analyzing of the actuality and requirement of the central heating enterprises In North Area of China , this paper presents a management information system , which can charge heating fees flexibly and calculate corresponding employee prize exactly .

  14. 在公路上,EZPAass和其它计算机化收费机器的到来正在取代人类收费员。

    On the road , the advent of EZPass and other computerized toll machines are replacing human tollbooth collectors .

  15. 在高速公路联网收费数据的再利用中,根据分车型车流量预测收费额、对收费员进行作弊分类和求解收费员排班这个整数线性规划问题是遗传规划的三个应用算例。

    According to the reuse of the expressway network toll data , the toll amount prediction by car type amount , the classification to fraud toll collectors and solve the integer linear programming problem of toll collector job scheduling are the three application solution examples .