
  • 网络Deregulation;de-regulation
  1. 反事实研究:放松规制与中国航空网络演变

    Counterfactual Analysis : Deregulation and Changes of Aviation Network in China

  2. 放松规制条件下电信企业进入决策研究

    A Study on Entry Decision for Telecommunication Industry under Deregulation

  3. 放松规制(Deregulation)意味着放松或者取消诸多规制条款,包括市场准入、退出、价格、投资、财务、会计等规制的一部分或者全部。

    Deregulation means reduce or cancel some regulation and rules including market entrance , market exit , price , investment , finance and account .

  4. 放松规制:中国垄断行业改革的方向

    Deregulation : Reform Trend of China 's Natural Monopoly Industries

  5. 产业组织与公共政策:规制抑或放松规制?

    Industrial Organization and Public Policy : Regulation or Deregulation ;

  6. 放松规制和激励性规制是微观规制的发展趋势。

    Relaxed regulation and encouraging regulation are the future trend of the regulation .

  7. 中国电力产业放松规制和规制改革研究

    The Research on the Deregulation and Regulation Reform of China 's Electricity Industry

  8. 放松规制与激励规制&新规制经济学的理论主题述评

    On the Theoretical Theme of New Regulatory Economics

  9. 规制与放松规制的度

    Structure and Degree of the Relaxed Structure

  10. 对自然垄断产业实行规制还是放松规制,最终取决于对规制的成本-收益分析。

    Regulation or deregulation in natural monopoly industry finally depends on cost benefit analysis of regulation .

  11. 西方各国都早于我国对铁路先后进行了放松规制、引入竞争的改革。

    A reform of slackening rules , and introducing competition has been earlier implemented in western countries .

  12. 一个空域一家管制好放松规制:中国航空业的变革及相关产业政策

    One Control for One Airspace Deregulation : Changes of Aviation Industry in China and Relative Industrial Policy

  13. 放松规制的过程会对国家、规制机构、垄断企业以及消费者四个利益主体产生重要影响。

    Deregulation will have different impact on different interest groups such as nation , regulator , monopoly enterprises and consumer .

  14. 如果规制实施后,仍存在市场失灵并导致效率的损失,则需要分析是需要进一步加强规制还是因为规制过度需要放松规制。

    If market failure and inefficiency still exist after regulation , government should loose regulation or implement more strict regulation .

  15. 政府应该在市场准入、土地交易等环节逐步放松规制,增强市场活力。

    Release on market access and land transaction will be calculated by government so as to add the market energy .

  16. 主要途径是通过对电力产业的放松规制和规制重建,以获得资源配置的帕累托效率。

    In order to obtain the allocation of resources and the Pareto efficiency , the main approach are deregulation and regulation reconstruction .

  17. 在放松规制、引入竞争的电信改革中,新产业组织理论为我们提供强有力的理论工具,指导了电信竞争的实践。

    During the regulatory reform and the emergence of competition in telecommunications , IO theory offered powerful instrument , and conduct the practice .

  18. 从自然垄断行业的经济特性入手,分析了政府对自然垄断行业放松规制的原因。

    This paper , beginning with the economic characteristics of natural monopoly industry , expounds the reasons of deregulation in natural monopoly industry .

  19. 具体的政策建议包括港口业务的垂直分解及构建地主港模式、加快港口民营化进程、在放松规制的同时重建规制及推动形成区域内邻近港口间的协同竞争关系。

    The suggestions include constructing landlord port model , speeding port privatization , deregulation & re-regulation and forming co-operation relationship with neighbor ports .

  20. 进一步讲,在理论上要有公共利益规制理论、放松规制理论和激励性规制理论三个理论要求。

    Further speak , in theory must have the public interest regulation theory , deregulating theory and incentive regulation theory three theory demands .

  21. 第三部分,通过研究和借鉴国外航空运输业放松规制改革的经验,对我国航空运输业规制改革提供一些新的思路。

    Section Three , puts forward some new ideas for regulations reform through research and drawing on the experience of foreign air transport industry .

  22. 迄今,西方国家的政府规制实践其经济经历了规制放松规制再规制与放松规制并存的演进过程,而社会性规制则呈现了持续加强的态势。

    The government regulation theory in the west has undergone a development process of regulation releasing regulation coexistence of regulation and releasing regulation again .

  23. 在美国、英国的带领下各个国家纷纷效仿,各国政府纷纷对本国垄断产业与公用事业进行放松规制、引入竞争的改革。

    Many nations imitate in succession under leadership of the United States and UK , deregulate natural monopoly industry and public utilities and introduce competition .

  24. 垄断产业放松规制的改革本质上是一种利益调整和再均衡的过程,会导致各个利益主体之间的利益冲突。

    Monopoly industry deregulation reform is essentially a re-adjustment of interests and balanced process , which will lead to various conflict interests between different interests groups .

  25. 放松规制、开放市场,经营权的民间参与,所有权的民间参与等都是实现公用事业民间参与的有效途径。

    Relaxing regulations , opening market , popular participation in management right and ownership right are all effective ways for realizing popular participation in public utilities .

  26. 随着经济技术的发展,许多发达国家和地区的改革实践已表明,放松规制已成为大势所趋。

    With the development of economics and technology , the practice of reform in many developed countries and regions has proved that deregulation is the inevitable trend .

  27. 在此背景下,以英国和美国为代表的欧美发达国家相继对电信运营行业启动了以放松规制、引入竞争为主要特征的改革。

    Under this condition , developed countries like the United Kingdom and the United States have conducted telecom reform characterized by the introduction of competition and relaxing regulation .

  28. 劳工问题是世界范围内港口放松规制和民营化改革中的一项重要内容。

    As for the efficiency , private operators would downsize the labor pool of previous port sector , so the surplus port workers should be given suitable treatment .

  29. 从不受干预的自由市场经济到政府规制再到放松规制,政府在经济发展中的作用发生了多次转变。

    From free market economy without government intervention to government regulation , then to the government deregulation , the role of government in economy has changed all the times .

  30. 政府希望通过分权、放松规制、委托等私营机构运用的管理技术改善高校管理,提高办学效率。

    The government hopes to improve higher education management and promote education efficiency through measures such as decentralization of authority , loosening control of procedures and authority on private institutions .