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zhèng shì
  • government affairs
政事 [zhèng shì]
  • [government affairs] 政府施政的事务

  • 过问政事

政事[zhèng shì]
  1. 如何使审稿工作中的学术评判尺度适当由尊到贬:陈瓘对王安石政事学术评判之剧变

    Suitable judge standard in reviewing a manuscript Chen Guan 's Tremendous Change in Commenting Wang Anshi 's Government Affairs and Academic Thought

  2. 唐高宗因患风眩,目不能视,使武则天协助裁决政事。

    Because of eye disease , Li Zhi could not read well , he often made Wu his assistant in verdict the government affairs .

  3. 他总是干预政事。

    He perpetually interferes in political affairs .

  4. 你16岁时可以结婚,但还无权参与国家政事。

    You can get married at sixteen , and yet you haven 't got a say in the running of the country

  5. 人民要求更多的参与政事的机会。

    The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government .

  6. 一天,有个人拿着一张破席子,登门兜售,对秦士说:“当年,兽哀公设席,赐孔子坐,询问政事。这张正是当年孔子坐过的席子。”

    One day , a man came to his door to peddle3 a worn-out straw mat . He said to the Qin scholar : " In those years , Ai Gong of the State of Lu gave a seat to Confucius to inquire about political affairs . This was the very straw mat on which Confucius had sat. "

  7. 关于政事关系若干理论与实践问题的思考

    On the Theory and Practice of the Relationship between the Government and Institutions

  8. 然而在政事中这一种品性也是确有其用的。

    Yet certainly , there is use of this quality in civil affairs .

  9. 所议论政事,合作寻找真理的生命。

    So arguing is the lifeblood for cooperating in the search of the truth .

  10. 我国公务员政事分类制度研究

    Study on the Dichotomy of the Political and Administration Officials in China 's Civil Servant System

  11. 又过了半年,楚庄王开始亲自处理政事。

    Another half a year passed before King Zhuang of Chu began to personally administer state affairs .

  12. 表示事物的量的基本概念。对于政事全无概念的政府要员;

    A concept of quantity derived from zero and units . civil officers without a notion of affairs ;

  13. 家族化和政事与文学的兼能成为河东道本土文学家的两个基本特征。

    Family and the conduct of public affairs , literature Hedong Road two fundamental characteristics of the local writers .

  14. 科莫的父亲马里奥?科莫是前纽约州长,科莫从小受父亲熏陶,谙熟奥尔巴尼政事。

    He learnt much about Albany politics at the knee of his father , Mario , a former governor .

  15. 建设政企、政市、政事、政社分开的管理服务与部门利益分离的以保持社会公开、公平、公正为己任的中立政府。

    Constructing an open , fair and just government which separates administration from enterprises , cities , affairs and society .

  16. 据说这里是当年忠佑大王和他的文武大臣商议政事的地方。

    It is said that this is where the loyalty king and his ministers discuss the conduct of public affairs .

  17. 市场经济体制下,利用市场机制配置资源及政事分离是我国公立高校面临的迫切要求。

    Acquiring resources by market mechanism and separation from government are the urgent requirements that the public university must be faced with .

  18. 3建立政事分开、高效、统一的公共卫生监督管理新体制;

    Setting up a new public health supervision management system that were apart of politics and business , high efficiency and unified .

  19. 但是造成政治谎言的主要原因是,公众越来越认识到政府是不会将政事公布于众的。

    But the main cause of lying is increased probing by the public into areas that the government would rather not discuss candidly .

  20. 所谓辞令,是指经过修饰和斟酌的言辞,一般用于应对往来使者或议论政事,它广泛地运用于各种领域。

    The so-called rhetoric , is the modified and the appropriate words , though general for political affairs is widely used in various fields .

  21. 按照政事分开原则,改革事业单位管理体制。

    We will reform the management system of institutions in accordance with the principle of separating the functions of government from those of institutions .

  22. 其次,表现在种业管理和产业服务方面,如政事不分、事企不分和政企不分;

    The second is seed industry administration and industry service , such as no distinction between government administration , enterprises management and public institution administration ;

  23. 委任三个主要政党和政团的领导层进入行政会议,进一步扩阔政党参与政事的空间。

    The appointment of the leaders of three major political groups parties into the Executive Council was another measure to broaden party participation in politics .

  24. 含于一切政事知识中的政事本性的设定,具有意见的性质。

    The assumptions concerning the nature of political things , which are implied in all knowledge of political things , have the character of opinions .

  25. 明确属下的主管业务,区别政事的轻重缓急,这是各部大臣的职权。

    Illuminating the duties of the bureaucrats , setting responsibilities as light or heavy – these fall under the authority of the ministers and ruler .

  26. 期望从政事分开的改革原则出发,探讨学术评价制度创新的可能途径。

    This paper expects to set out from the reform policy of separating administration from academy to search the possible ways of academy evaluation system innovation .

  27. 王周户,李大勇:“行政许可与政事分开”,载《法律科学》2007年第4期。

    Wang Zhouhu & Li Dayong , Separation of the Administrative Licensing and the Conduct of Public Affairs , 4 Science of law ,( 2007 ) .

  28. 普罗泰格拉认为神赋予了每个人政治智慧,因此每个人都能参与政事,获得美德。

    Protagoras argued that the gods have given everyone a share in political wisdom and that all therefore are able to participate in government and achieve virtue .

  29. 美国人可经由投票,向他们的代表陈情、甚至于组织和平的示威活动,来发表心声,参与政事。

    Americans can get involved in government by voting , by writing letters to their representatives and even by organizing peaceful demonstrations to make their voices heard .

  30. 楚庄王即位已经三年了,可是他还没有颁布过一项法令,没有处理过一件政事。

    It had been three years since King Zhuang of Chu ascended the throne , but he had neither issued a decree nor dealt with any state affairs .