
  • 网络government publication
  1. 加入WTO后政府出版物的整合

    On the Integration of Government Publications after Joining the WTO

  2. 加拿大政府出版物的开发与利用

    Significance of Utilization and Development of the Canadian Government Publications

  3. Internet上政府出版物的查询技巧

    Search Skill of Government Publication on Internet

  4. 他向图书馆索取政府出版物目录。

    He ask the library for a list of government publication .

  5. 如何在网络环境下开发和利用美国政府出版物

    A Study of the Using of U.S. Government Publications under the Network Environment

  6. 介绍加拿大政府出版物的独特性和重要性。

    This paper introduces the features and uniqueness of the Canadian government publications ( CGP ) .

  7. 国图收藏的美国政府出版物及其开发利用研究

    Collections of Government Publications of the United States at the National Library of China and Their Utilization

  8. 你可以从网上搜索资料,同时可以用《劳动统计局职业前景手册》之类的政府出版物做为辅助。

    You can start your research online , with government publications such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics ' Occupational Outlook Handbook .

  9. 更进一步的问题转移到对作为FDLP的替代品的政府在线出版物的信赖。

    There are deeper problems with the shift toward reliance on the government 's online publications as a replacement for the FDLP .