
zhènɡ fǔ chénɡ rèn
  • Government recognition;recognition of government
  1. 政府承认市区存在问题,但决不可拿这些作为不法行为的借口。

    The government recognised there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour .

  2. 该税的目的是确保金融部门分担经济危机的成本,尽管德国政府承认,20国集团(g20)在全球层面就这项措施达成共识的几率渺茫。

    The tax aims to ensure the financial sector contributes to the cost of the economic crisis , even as Berlin concedes that the chances of agreeing such a measure at global level in the G20 were slim .

  3. 在其中,最高法院以5:4的票数认定《保护婚姻法案》(DOMA)违宪,在这项法案中禁止联邦政府承认的同性婚姻。

    In one , the court by a 5-4 majority striking down DOMA , which among other things barred federal recognition of same-sex marriage .

  4. 美国政府承认,这场危机已蔓延至全球。

    Washington recognises that the crisis has become global .

  5. 政府承认他们的运动合法。

    The state acknowledged the justice of their cause .

  6. 政府承认新的税收政策是失败的。

    The government has conceded the new tax policy has been a disaster .

  7. 印度政府承认基础设施不足的问题。

    The government acknowledges the country is grappling with a huge infrastructure deficit .

  8. 不被他被派往的政府承认的外交官。

    A diplomat who is unacceptable to the government to which he is sent .

  9. 瑞安说,奥巴马政府承认这是一起恐怖袭击的做法来得太慢。

    He said the administration was too slow in recognizing that it was a terrorist attack .

  10. 政府承认存在上述问题。

    The government recognizes the problems .

  11. 政府承认,英格兰四分之一的中学在“浪费”学生的天赋。

    A quarter of secondary schools in England are " wasting " pupils'talents , the Government admitted .

  12. 大清政府承认英国和中国享有同等权利。

    Great Britain was officially recognized by the Qing government as a foreign power with equal rights .

  13. 在宣布上述计划之前,政府承认自己没能尽快隔离一些疑似病患。

    The government announced the plan after acknowledging it had failed to isolate some suspected cases soon enough .

  14. 日本政府承认,对于上周的地震和海啸,他们原本应该做出更快的反应。

    The Japanese government has acknowledged that it could have reacted more quickly to last week 's earthquake and tsunami .

  15. 而政府承认搬迁计划正在落实尚属首次。

    It was the first time that a government official has confirmed a relocation of government offices is being undertaken .

  16. 政府承认为高油价提供一些缓解,但它不能提供立即的解决方案。

    The Administration acknowledges that provides little relief from high pump prices , but it cannot offer an immediate solution .

  17. 政府承认这次事件的严重程度还是让人难以接受,与此同时,警察们需要更好的训练。

    The government admits that levels of crime are still unacceptably high and that the police need to be better trained .

  18. 政府承认总体数量有所减少,但强调对全日制高等教育的需求已经回到过去的水平。

    The government acknowledged the fall but stressed that demand for full time higher education has already returned to record levels .

  19. 华中河南省南阳教区朱宝玉主教,今天(六月三十日)公开就职成为政府承认的牧者。

    Retired " underground " bishop Joseph Zhu Baoyu of Nanyang from central Henan province was installed as a government-recognized bishop today .

  20. 美国政府承认,并不掌握证明顾磊杰将内幕信息透露给他的朋友的谈话录音。

    The government concedes that it does not have any recorded conversations in which Mr Gupta passes inside information to his friend .

  21. 政府承认,2009年前7个月每天有五位妇女被虐待者们杀害身亡。

    By the government 's admission , five women a day were killed by abusers in the first seven months of 2009 .

  22. 她想让政府承认留在家中照顾病老亲属的妇女们的价值。

    She wants the government to recognize the worth of women who stay at home and look after sick or elderly relations .

  23. 更扯的是,纽约市政府承认,多收的这一部分钱并没有用于道路的修葺,而是用在了市区的房地产发展上。

    What 's worse the city admitted the extra money is not being used for road repairs but for urban real estate development .

  24. 尽管其中某些投资得到了批准,但政府承认,还有很大一部分投资是通过未经批准的渠道离境的。

    While some of this has been approved investment , government acknowledges that a large portion has left Chinese shores through unauthorised channels .

  25. 几周后,广东省政府承认辐射水平有所上升,但并没有达到核事故的水平。

    Several weeks later the provincial government acknowledged an increase in radioactivity but said it wasn 't up to levels deemed a'nuclear incident .

  26. 政府承认总体数量有所减少,但强调对全日制高等教育的需求已经“回到过去的水平”。

    The government acknowledged the fall but stressed that demand for full time higher education has already " returned to record levels . "

  27. 凤翔教区还有一位主教,是不获政府承认、八十岁已退休的助理主教张志勇,他也有参与投票。

    Retired Coadjutor Bishop Peter Zhang Zhiyong , 80 , who is not recognized by the government , was also present in the election .

  28. 法官安东尼-肯尼迪和法庭的四为自由党党员一起,一同声明《婚姻保护法》关于联邦政府承认的合法夫妻的禁令是违反宪法的。

    Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joined the court 's four liberals in declaring unconstitutional DOMA 's prohibition on federal recognition of legally married couples .

  29. 政府承认,从该反应堆建筑物内外高强度的辐射水平来看,几乎肯定已发生燃料棒的部分熔毁。

    The government admitted that high radiation levels inside and outside the building made it almost certain that a partial meltdown of fuel rods had occurred .

  30. 政府承认说,想要达到这个目标,建立一个“安全、有效、便捷和付得起的”医疗服务并非易事。

    The government admits that achieving its goal of building a " safe , effective , convenient and affordable " health service will not be easy .