
  • 网络Political Analysis
  1. enrich使富有,使充实,浓缩;uranium铀;civilianadj,平民的,民间的;民用的伊朗特拉维中东经济和政治分析中心的专家MeirJavedanfar认为,艾哈迈迪似乎一边试图赢得即将到来的6月份的总统选举,一边发动同美国的公关战。

    of the Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Center in Tel Aviv thinks that Mr. Ahmadinejad appears to be waging a public relations war with the United States as well as trying to win Iran 's upcoming presidential elections in June .

  2. 。伊朗特拉维中东经济和政治分析中西的专家MeirJavedanfar认为,艾哈迈迪似乎一边试图赢得即将到来的6月份的总统选举,一边发动同美国的公关战。

    Iran expert Meir Javedanfar of the Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Center in Tel Aviv thinks that Mr. Ahmadinejad appears to be waging a public relations war with the United States as well as trying to win Iran 's upcoming presidential elections in June .

  3. NPR报道一些政治分析人士说,下周的辩论可能不存在争议,也不会像昨晚那样受到密切关注。

    NPR reports some political analysts say may not as contentious and as closely watch as last night showdown .

  4. 不过,战略与国际问题研究中心的政治分析人士苏尼·塔努维德吉阿(SunnyTanuwidjaj)认为,在苏西洛总统的领导下经济形势有了好转,选民明白这一点。

    But political analyst Sunny Tanuwidjaj with the Center for Strategic and International Studies says overall economic conditions have improved under President Yudhoyono and voters know it .

  5. 评西方学者对中国实力地位的地缘政治分析

    Analysis on Western Scholars ' View of China 's Geopolitical Power

  6. 但政治分析人士表示,朝韩关系仍显紧张。

    But political analysts said North-South relations still looked rocky .

  7. 埃尔哈辛托是棉兰老岛出版社和政治分析专家。

    Al Jacinto is a Mindanao publisher and political analyst .

  8. 我国乡村公共治理空间构建的政治分析

    Political Analysis of the Construction of Rural Public Governance Space in China

  9. 社群主义认为社群才是政治分析的基本变量。

    Communitarianism takes community as the basic element for its political analysis .

  10. 合法性是现代政治分析的一个关键术语。

    Legitimacy is a key term in modern politics analysis .

  11. 边缘替代:对中国社团的经济与政治分析

    Periphery Substitution ; An Economic and Political Analysis on NGOs in China

  12. 金大米:转基因作物生物政治分析的一个范本

    Golden Rice : An Analytical Model of the Bio - Politics of GMO

  13. 国际政策协调与合作的政治分析

    A Political Analysis of International Policy Coordination and Cooperation

  14. 东南亚金融危机的政治分析

    A Political Analysis of East Asia 's Financial Crisis

  15. 卫生政策的政治分析及一种辅助政治分析软件的应用

    Application of CAPA Software in Health Policy Reform Process

  16. 中国现代化进程中民族发展的政治分析

    Political Analyzing of the Ethical Development of China Modernization

  17. 理论价值植根于历史的经验,现实意义则依托于对特定国家的政治分析。

    The worth of theory is based on political analyzing of the special nation .

  18. 海湾风云的地缘政治分析

    A Geopolitical Analysis of the Stormy Gulf Situation

  19. 村庄权力结构的政治分析

    The Political Analysis of Village 's Power Structure

  20. 跨国民族族缘政治分析

    An Analysis of Cross-Border Ethnic Groups ' Ethno-Politics

  21. 转型时期中国社会稳定内涵的政治分析

    Political Analysis of the Intension of Social Stability in China during the Period of Structural Transition

  22. 他的生花妙笔与政治分析相得益彰,使他的文章脍炙人口。

    It is the combination of wit and political analysis that makes his articles so readable .

  23. 暴君隋炀帝评价的论辨&关于暴君之暴的政治分析

    On the Evaluation to Tyrant Sui Yang Di and Where Lies the Tyranny of a Tyrant

  24. 对中国农民的政治分析

    The Political Analysis of Chinese Farmers

  25. 但他对中国的看法更加入微,并进行了历史和地缘政治分析。

    But his take on China is more nuanced , and takes in historical and geopolitical analysis .

  26. 政治分析人士警告说,今后几个月,泰国政坛将继续动荡。

    Political analysts warn the outlook for the political landscape in Thailand will remain unsettled over the coming months .

  27. 很多政治分析人士都认为,不大可能会出现2006年那样的军事政变。

    Many political analysts here say it is unlikely there will be a repeat of the 2006 military coup .

  28. 治理与善治既是一种全新的政治分析框架,又是一种先进的现代统治模式。

    Governance and good governance is an absolutely-new political analysis framework as well as an advanced modern reigning model .

  29. 国家&社会关系与党政关系是流行于学界的政治分析范畴。

    State-Society relation and Party-Government relation are two widely used key conceptual categories in political analysis on contemporary Chinese politics .

  30. 政治分析人士说,说服缅甸政府在救灾问题上改变立场并不意味着就有可能让缅甸政府在政治改革上作出同样的回应。

    Political analysts say persuading Burma on the aid issue is not likely to elicit the same response on political reform .