
zhèng fǎ
  • politics and law;political and law
政法 [zhèng fǎ]
  • [political and law] 政治和法律

  • 政法学院

政法[zhèng fǎ]
  1. 地方性政法院校创新体系之构建

    On the System Reform of Local Institutions of Politics and Law

  2. 它强调要加强政法队伍建设;

    It emphasize on strengthening construction of politics and law team ;

  3. 李小平,重庆大工律师事务所副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。

    Xiaoping li , vice chair of dugong law firm , bachelor of law , graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ), and a present master in swupl .

  4. 2008级新生UPI调查分析与对策研究:以政法与经管学院为例

    UPI Diagnosis and Countermeasure Research into the New Students of 2008 Grade : With College of Politic , Law , Economic and Management as the Example

  5. 新法最大胆批评者之一是华东政法大学的董保华(DongBaohua)。他曾帮助起草中国第一部劳动法。

    One of the law 's most outspoken critics is Dong Baohua of the East China University of Political Science and Law , who helped draft China 's first labour law in1994 .

  6. 临近大钟寺地铁站,北京政法大学,北京邮电大学,北京师范大学。楼下有公交车站10分钟到北京语言学院(blcu),清华大学,北京大学。

    Near Da Zhong Si subway station , Beijing University of post and telecommunication , Beijing Normal university.10 minutes by bus to blcu , tsiuhua university , Peking university .

  7. 中国传统政法文化的现代解读

    A Modern Interpretation of Chinese Traditional Culture of Politics and Law

  8. 论政法成人高校教学质量的控制

    On Control of Teaching Quality in Adult Colleges of Politics & Law

  9. 安吉拉,我知道你觉得政法体制让你失望了

    Angela , I know you feel the system let you down .

  10. 判决原则,由中央政法机关另定。

    The judgment principle shall be otherwise stated by the Central Judicial organ .

  11. 张桂琳,中国政法大学副校长、教授、博士生导师。

    Professor , Vice president , China University of Political Science and Law .

  12. 对和谐社会政法文化建设的思考

    Strengthen Construction of Political Science and Law Culture and Construct Harmonious Socialism Society

  13. 毕业于华东政法大学,法律硕士。

    Received LLM from East China University of Politics , Science and Law .

  14. 城乡基层组织对人的管理、控制能力弱化;打击的软弱性和对政法机关的依赖性问题同时存在;

    Capacity of management and control to citizens by lower level is feeble .

  15. 很快,西北政法学院的录取通知书下来了。

    Very quick , northwest institute of political science and law'sadmission notice got down .

  16. 政法工作应当树立和落实科学发展观

    Scientific Development in Work of Politics and Law

  17. 王迪(音译),中国政法大学法学教授

    Wang Di , professor of law at China University of Political Science and Law

  18. 中国政法大学法学士;

    Bachelor of Chemical Science , Tianjin University ;

  19. 入世对政法工作带来的挑战及对策

    The Challenges and Affects Brought from China Entering WTO on Judicial and Public Security Work

  20. 上海华东政法学院新校区规划设计

    New Campus Planning and Design for East China University of Politics and Law in Shanghai

  21. 张晋藩,中国政法大学终身教授。

    Professor with Lifetime Tenure , China University of Political Science and Law , Beijing .

  22. 灾害爆发后,一定要迅速恢复和强化政法机关的职能活动,组织群众开展群防群治。

    Reviving and strengthening the function of the law enforcement agencies in organizing mass prevention-control ;

  23. 刘律师一直在政法部门工作,具有办案人员的优秀传统。

    Lawyer Liu has been working for judicial authority with inheritedexcellent tradition of law practitioners .

  24. 马克:你知道吗?我们队昨晚的比赛中打败了政法大学。

    Mark : you know what ? We beat the law school team last night .

  25. 基于其公益性特征,对铁路运输事业的调控方式中行政法规制具有不可替代的地位。

    Based on the characteristics of public benefit , public law regulation has irreplaceable position .

  26. 西北政法大学图书馆2005-2008年度图书借阅情况报告

    2005-2008 Book Lending Report of the Library of Northwest University of Political Science and Law

  27. 政法院校生物物证分析技术教学改革探索

    The exploration of didactical reform of biologic evidence analysis in college of politics and law

  28. 甘肃政法学院警务实战训练基地方案设计

    Design of Police Affairs Competitive Training Base Scheme In Gansu Political Science and law Institute

  29. 为此,高等政法院校应深入开展法律实训课程的创建和实践活动,创建出适合我国国情的法律实训课程体系。

    So it is necessary to establish a legal training course system for the Chinese characteristics .

  30. 明确政法工作应促进经济建设的法制服务思想;

    To clarify the legal service thought that political and legal work should promote economical development ;