
  1. 从主要指标看,ECB的货币政策战略已经取得初步成功;

    To some extent , the monetary policy strategy of ECB has succeeded .

  2. 欧洲中央银行(ECB)围绕价格稳定目标确立起其货币政策战略。

    The European Central Bank ( ECB ) is endowed with price stability as the core of its monetary policy strategy .

  3. 对第三产业产值占GDP比重的影响呈下降趋势,分析主要原因在于临河区工业立城的政策战略和多途径转移农村剩余劳动力的引导不足等。

    The proportion of tertiary industry output value of GDP shows a downward trend , mainly because the Linhe area of " industrial establishment city " of the policy strategy and the lack of guidance on multi-channel transfer of rural surplus labor force .

  4. 山东省产业政策战略环境评价

    Strategic Environmental Assessment for Industrial Policy of Shandong Province

  5. 保持政治稳定的三层政策战略

    Three-Level-Policy Strategy for Maintaining Political Stability

  6. 中国甚至在宏观政策战略方面给世人上了一课,这一课是世界其他地区应该聆听的。

    It even offers lessons in macro policy strategy that the rest of the world should heed .

  7. 股利政策战略中,本文重点分析现金股利战略的动态优化。

    To dividend policy , the paper focuses on the analysis of dynamic optimization of cash dividend strategy .

  8. 主要经济大国必须根据全球经济的变化,形成自己的预期和政策战略。

    Key economic powers must shape their expectations and policy strategies to the changed contours of the global economy .

  9. 尽管暂时的财政调整会抑制需求,但财政政策战略的转变,能够带来更多的收入与增长。

    While temporary fiscal adjustment curbs demand , changing the fiscal policy strategy can bring more revenue and more growth .

  10. 社会主义新农村建设是今后国家经济建设的重点,这一政策战略转向为民营企业制造了无限商机。

    New socialist rural construction is the focus of national economic construction in the future , this policy strategy to create unlimited business opportunities for private enterprises .

  11. 同时由于历史的沉淀和政策战略导向的作用,目前我国实际利用的外商直接投资高度集中在东部沿海地区,地区分布很不平衡,具有明显的区域差异。

    Due to the history and the policy , at present foreign direct investment that we can make use of is highly concentrated in the east and the distribution is very unbalance and shows obvious district difference too .

  12. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)围绕这一理论构建了一整套全新的外交政策“战略重心转向亚洲”。

    Barack Obama has constructed a whole new foreign policy around this theory the " pivot to Asia " .

  13. 美联社(AssociatedPress)报道称,克林顿周一说,我的访问体现出当今美国外交政策的战略重点。

    ' My trip reflects a strategic priority of American foreign policy today , ' ' Ms. Clinton said Monday , according to the Associated Press . '

  14. 在美国,网络安全协调员霍华德施密特(howardschmidt)通过白宫管理和预算办公室构建起与经济政策的战略联系。

    In the US , cybersecurity co-ordinator Howard Schmidt forms strategic links with economic policy through the office of management and budget in the White House .

  15. 具有25年世界银行(WorldBank)工作经验的德国人约阿希姆冯阿姆斯贝格(JoachimvonAmsberg)将担任亚投行掌管政策和战略的副行长,韩国产业银行(KoreaDevelopmentBank)董事长兼首席执行官洪起泽(KyttackHong)将掌管亚投行的风险组合。

    Joachim von Amsberg , a German with 25 years experience at the World Bank , will be vice president for policy and strategy while Kyttack Hong , chairman and chief executive of Korea Development Bank , will hold the risk portfolio .

  16. 比较优势与中国农产品贸易政策的战略调整

    Comparative Advantage and Strategic Adjustment of Chinese Agricultural Products Trade Policies

  17. 政府有两个可行的财政政策基本战略。

    The government has two basic strategies of fiscal policy available .

  18. 政策和战略制订、协调及方法支助股

    Development and Coordination of Policies and Strategies and Methodological Support Unit

  19. 试论旅游区域联合的政策扶持战略

    Discussion of the Policy Support Strategy in Tourism Regional Ally

  20. 但他不应淡化外交政策的战略层面。

    But he should not downplay the strategic dimension of foreign policy .

  21. 要使政策和战略正确发挥作用,我们就需要全组织范围内的一致性。

    To get policy and strategy right , we need organization-wide coherence .

  22. 这个政党开始了重新考虑政策和战略的艰难历程。

    The party has begun the painfulprocess of rethinking its policies and strategy .

  23. 需求约束条件下卫生经济政策与战略的调整

    The Adjustment of Health Economic Policies and Strategies under the restraint of Demand

  24. 青年政策、战略和方案综合规划区域间协商会议

    Interregional Consultative Meeting on Integrated Planning of Youth-related Policies , Strategies and Programmes

  25. 农业保护政策的战略重点:国际经验的比较研究

    The Strategic Point of Agricultural Protection Policy : Comparative Study on International Experience

  26. 浅析马来西亚的农村发展政策与战略

    Rural Development Policy and Strategy in Malaysia

  27. 中国石油贸易政策的战略选择

    Strategic Selection of China Oil Trade Policy

  28. 政策、战略和研究部

    Department of Policy , Strategy and Research

  29. 制定基于证据的政策和战略;

    Forming evidence-based policy and strategy formulation ;

  30. 文章认为:目前中国电信业缺乏国家层面的产业政策和战略规划的指引;

    At present , Chinese telecom industry lacks of national industry policy and strategic planning ;