
  • 网络benefit consciousness
  1. 认为编辑意识现代化包括导向意识、市场意识、创新意识、服务意识和质量效益意识等。

    Modernization of editor 's consciousness includes lead consciousness , market consciousness , innovation consciousness , service consciousness and quality benefit consciousness .

  2. 在培育了人的效益意识,为人的全面发展创造物质条件时,又导致人的物化;

    It causes human 's materialization , when It foster human 's benefit consciousness and create material conditions for the development in an all-round way ;

  3. 浅议广西高校学报的效益意识与编辑素质

    Beneficial Consciousness and Editing Quality of Guangxi College Journals

  4. 系统观念:要健全包括执行、评价和反馈、支持三大体系的工作系系统,从而增加效益意识。

    The concept of systems : improving th e work systems covering execution , evaluation , feedback and support .

  5. 加强党的执政能力建设,必须增强执政效益意识:注重体制创新,实现发展效益;

    The party should have the ruling performance consciousness : pay attention to the system innovation to realize development performance ;

  6. 科技期刊编辑在编辑活动中要具备整体意识、质量意识、创新意识、信息意识、科研意识、和效益意识。

    Sci-Tech periodical editor should have whole consciousness , quality consciousness , innovation consciousness , information consciousness , scientific research consciousness and benefit consciousness in editor activity .

  7. 这就要求编辑具有与时代同步的新意识&法律意识、市场意识、信息意识、服务意识和效益意识。

    This requires that editors of periodicals have got the awareness that match the development of times : law awareness , market awareness , information awareness , service awareness and efficiency awareness .

  8. 这些直接促进了学术界对政府成本问题的关注,同时,也直接促进了政府本身对政府成本问题的正视并逐步在工作中树立成本意识、效益意识、投入&产出意识。

    And what mentioned above initiates not only academic circles to study government cost but also the government itself to take cost seriously and cultivate the conception of cost , benefit and input-output .

  9. 广西高校学报在树立效益意识方面普遍缺乏紧迫感,这与学报编辑人员的素质密切相关。

    The journals of Guangxi colleges and universities are generally lack of the sense of urgency in building up beneficial consciousness . This is closely related to the quality of the journal editing staff .

  10. 在侦查工作中,应树立犯罪耗费观念,增强侦查效益意识,制定和完善相应的刑事政策,健全侦查效益机制。

    In the practice of criminal investigation , the awareness of the expense on criminal cases should be increased , relevant policies should be instituted and improved and the benefit system of criminal investigation should be established and improved .

  11. 进而探讨了如何通过这些关系、机制的认识与把握,效益意识引导,对减灾见效时间意识的人为控制等途径提高民众的减灾参与意识与减灾效益。

    Then the ways of improving people 's consciousness in joining hazard mitigation and raising its benefits by understanding and grasping those relations and mechanisms , guiding the benefit consciousness , controlling artificially appearance of the benefits in the consciousness and so on were approached .

  12. 文章就地方高等学校强化社会服务意识提出了建议,主要是强化办学理念意识、职能意识、区域化意识、效益意识和政策法规意识五个方面。

    The article advances suggestions about intensifying their consciousness of serving the society from the following five aspects : intensifying the concept consciousness of running school , the function consciousness , the regionalization consciousness , the benefit consciousness , and the policy and statutes consciousness .

  13. 在21世纪来临之际,进一步寻求高校学报与市场经济的结合点,不断提高学报编辑的效益意识已是当务之急。

    With the coming of the 21st century , it has become an urgent task for us to make a step forward in seeking the combination of college journals and market economy , and to improve continuously the beneficial consciousness of the journals ' editing staff .

  14. 编辑的责任意识主要包括政治责任意识、质量责任意识、效益责任意识和创新责任意识四大方面。

    Editorial awareness of responsibility mainly includes four bearings on politics , quality , efficiency and novelty .

  15. 本文对我国教辅类期刊的现状进行了概述,重点就新时期教辅类期刊的办刊宗旨、服务方针、社会效益、创新意识等,阐述了自己的见。

    This article provides a survey of the current situation of the periodicals for teaching and coaching , focusing on their aims , principles , social benefits and innovative orientation .