
dí duì fèn zǐ
  • hostile elements
  1. 他们加紧消灭人群中的敌对分子。

    They pressed ahead with the liquidation of hostile elements among the people .

  2. 对一切生活困难的地主给以帮助,对逃亡地主招引其回来,给以生活出路,借以减少敌对分子,使解放区得到巩固。

    In order to reduce the number of hostile elements and to consolidate the liberated areas , we should help all those landlords who have difficulty in making a living and induce runaway landlords to return and give them an opportunity to earn a living .

  3. 众议员Carter认为胡德堡枪击事件中的受害者有资格获得紫心勋章,因为他认为胡德堡枪击事件属于敌对分子袭击。

    Representative Carter says the Fort Hood victims deserved the Purple Heart because he considers the shooting to be an enemy attack .

  4. 我们就别无选择只能认为他们是敌对分子。

    We 'll have no choice but to consider them hostile .

  5. 敌对分子利用网络进行煽动,可能影响高校稳定。

    Hostile utilizing the network to instigate , may influence the university to be steady .

  6. 铁路和公路遭到敌对分子破坏。

    Railways and roads were sabotaged .

  7. 被敌对分子或势力嘲笑奚落或剥削的人。

    A person who is the victim of ridicule or exploitation by some hostile person or influence .

  8. 否则,网络资源和国家信息资源被敌对分子进行破坏或渗透,造成重要信息资源外泄,我们将会眼看着别人捣乱和破坏的局面而自己却束手无措、被动挨打。

    If network resource and national information resource destroyed or infiltrated by enemy , this will result in betraying importance information resource .

  9. 要知道,他们一遇机会,又会要兴风作浪的。这也是目前极少数敌对分子所以能够兴风作浪的一个重要条件。

    It must be realized that at the first opportunity they will again stir up trouble . This is another significant circumstance exploited by the handful of hostile trouble-makers .

  10. 近年来,对边境地区和口岸实行常态化严查严管严控,防范打击三股势力、敌对分子的分裂破坏和暴力恐怖活动。

    In recent years , regular strict inspections , management and control in border areas and at ports have been carried out to guard against and subdue separatist , sabotage , violent and terrorist activities by the three forces or hostile individuals .

  11. 中国人民对敌视和破坏我国社会主义制度的国内外的敌对势力和敌对分子,必须进行斗争。

    The Chinese people must fight against those forces and elements , both at home and abroad , that are hostile to China 's socialist system and try to undermine it .