
jiù mìng dào cǎo
  • a life-saving straw;a straw to clutch at
救命稻草[jiù mìng dào cǎo]
  1. 抓救命稻草是无济于事的。

    It is useless to clutch at straws .

  2. 他那样做好像一个快要淹死的人拼命想捞救命稻草一样。

    He acted like a drowning man trying to catch at a straw .

  3. 对于违约在即的国家来说,国际货币基金组织(TheInternationalMonetaryFund)无疑是最后的一根救命稻草。

    The International Monetary Fund is known as the lender of last resort to countries on the brink of default .

  4. 伦敦朗伯德街研究(LombardStreetResearch)的加布里埃尔•斯坦(GabrielStein)表示:希望总是存在,而在面对美国经济明显放缓时,这种希望就叫脱钩论。他将这种希望称为非常脆弱的救命稻草。

    Hope always remains , and in the face of a sharp US slowdown , that hope is called decoupling , says Gabriel Stein of Lombard Street Research in London , who describes this hope as a very weak reed to rely on .

  5. 他看见警察好像抓住了救命稻草。

    He saw the policeman as if he clutched the straw .

  6. 当导航不能使用的时候,搜索对于用户来说,是救命稻草。

    Search is the user 's lifeline when navigation fails .

  7. 查理继续恳切地说着,我迟疑了一下的时候,他甚至像抓住了救命稻草似的语无伦次起来。

    Charlie continued eagerly , almost babbling with relief as I hesitated .

  8. 我…我也不知道只是想像抓住救命稻草一样

    I don 't know , a desperate attempt to hold on to

  9. 上海车展已经不是盛宴,而是世界汽车巨头的救命稻草。

    Shanghai Auto Show is not the feast , or perhaps life-saving straw .

  10. 所谓个人化药物早已成为药物研究人员的救命稻草。

    So-called personalised medicine has long been the Holy Grail of drugs researchers .

  11. 抓救命稻草是无济于事的。

    It is useless to clutch at a straw .

  12. 罪犯装疯,企图抓住一根救命稻草。

    The criminal tried to grasp at a straw by feigning mental disorder .

  13. 我知道,这是在抓救命稻草,他无可奈何地说。

    This is grasping at straws , I know , said the helpless man .

  14. 这种被称为救命稻草的工具,其工作原理就像饮水的吸管一样。

    It 's called LifeStraw , and it works just like a drinking straw .

  15. 这也是凯莎最后一根救命稻草了。

    It is the final straw for Keisha .

  16. 她也就此成为华盛顿政客和公众人物在危机中的救命稻草。

    She 's become the go-to gal for D.C. politicians and public figures in crisis .

  17. 我来为你提供一根救命稻草

    I am giving you a lifeline .

  18. 他们见救命稻草就捞。

    They grasped at every straw .

  19. 当市场行情恶化时,贷款的持续收益将成为他们的救命稻草。

    The loans also give them recurring income to fall back on when market conditions worsen .

  20. 丰田模式不是救命稻草

    Toyota Model Is Not a Life-Saver

  21. 如果撤出这救命稻草一般的注资,它可能会加剧夏普走向破产。

    By withdrawing a much-needed lifeline , it might well be propelling Sharp towards eventual bankruptcy .

  22. 当基本面因素无法解释的时候,这一谬论通常会被用作最后的救命稻草。

    It is generally deployed as a last resort , when the fundamentals have fallen by the wayside .

  23. 但官员们表示,这被视为最后一根救命稻草,不太可能很快实施。

    But this is seen as a last resort and is unlikely to be established soon , say officials .

  24. 要顽强地活下去,他必须保持人与人之间的各种关系,因此他争抢着每一根救命稻草。

    To adhere to life , he must adhere to human relationships , and he caught at every straw .

  25. 那么如何再采取其他的调控手段,现在房产税成了最后一根救命稻草。

    So how to take other means of control , now the property tax has become the last straw .

  26. 任何看似解决问题的方法,我们都当它是救命稻草:一个月6千万用于公共救济?

    We clutch at anything that even looks like a solution . $ 60 million a month for public relief ?

  27. 她提出减薪来保留她的工作,但她这只是在捞救命稻草。

    She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job , but she was just grasping at straws .

  28. 同样的原因,许多跨国企业都梦想中国是他们紧紧抓住的那根救命稻草。

    The dream of China is the life preserver many multinational corporations are clinging to , not without some reason .

  29. 数亿美元赞助费和旅游收入面临的威胁,到新西兰人号召对祖国忠诚这根救命稻草了。

    With hundreds of millions in sponsorship money and tourism revenue at stake , loyalty appears to go only so far .

  30. 当我每次需要向他人解释我不吃肉时,这句话是我的救命稻草。

    This is a life-saver for me every time I have to explain to people that I do not eat meat .